
New Member
Hopefully I’m not the only one this has happened to so due to a few long distance journeys covering the length and breadth of Britain I decide to get cruise control and install it myself. So off I pop to get torx set that can reach only to find the two nuts are rounded off f******ke !!! Only option drill the nuts bear in mind I start at 5pm straight after work so nuts drilled tool box ransacked for replacement nuts etc etc that didn’t seem to long check phone to re set clock in car 9pm STOP THE WORLD I WANT TO GET OFF
Every job on mine so far ive had the same , I think i will just do that ive got 5 mins 4 hours later . Why do people F things up and leave them . And copper grease well you would think it was there babies blood you were asking them to use , so everything is seized solid .
Hopefully I’m not the only one this has happened to so due to a few long distance journeys covering the length and breadth of Britain I decide to get cruise control and install it myself. So off I pop to get torx set that can reach only to find the two nuts are rounded off f******ke !!! Only option drill the nuts bear in mind I start at 5pm straight after work so nuts drilled tool box ransacked for replacement nuts etc etc that didn’t seem to long check phone to re set clock in car 9pm STOP THE WORLD I WANT TO GET OFF

Been there and done that more times than I care to remember.

My favourite was swapping out a prop shaft, admittedly it was decades ago now but by golly, 10 minutes they said, an hour later with blow torch and duck oil and then spent the rest of the afternoon putting new UJs in it.

Just wish I had bought new prop an been done with it.
thankfully the next jobs are out of my expertise so will have to raid the piggy bank kicking my self that I didn’t pay the extra and travel the 2 hours for the disco I saw that had everything I wanted on it lift kit tyres etc
Now days if I think it’s going to be a quick job I prepare myself for at least an entire weekend of frustration, near death experiences and having to remortgage the house to pay for new tools and parts.
Ah yes those 5 x minutes job, needed to remove the bolts on the wishbones , thought a few hours, famous last words

3 x days later and After cut, banged head, bruised hands and enough swear words to make a saint faint got one side off £#&&@&*#&@*@

Bigger ucking basted tools next time and all because there was no coppaslip on the bolts

future bolts won’t be laughing next time , next tool for said bolts

I’m not sure if it was the job it’s self that was the most painful or explaining to her indoors why I needed to do it and the 1000+ questions that followed and her ultimate wisdom of cars trying to explain to me I’ll never use it she has cruise control on her car and never uses it only for her bottom lip to come out when I quiet rightly told her I use mine on the motorway a lot and the furthest she travels it’s pointless having a car so she has no reason to use it made for a quiet weekend though which I’m taking as a winner !!!!
5min £5 job to change the ancillary belt,

Vfan wouldnt come off so managed to get it on curling over it, then snapped the tensioner arm :mad:
nightmare to order new one, then for sake of a tiny slither of coppaslip, the old one would not come out of the block.
Took 3days £50

Welcome to wacky world of LR :D
When I was 18 (40yrs ago) had a leaky water pump on my 1.3 MK1 escort, got new pump and gasket and started the job.
One of the bolts snapped off in the block:mad: , drilled it to take an eazi out and that snapped too. Tried to drill that out and fecked the block completely.
Had to save up for a new second hand engine:oops:.
Now days if I think it’s going to be a quick job I prepare myself for at least an entire weekend of frustration, near death experiences and having to remortgage the house to pay for new tools and parts.
Ditto ,,, lol
Welcome to wacky world of LR

I'm not sure it's just our LR world that has problems;

A friend of mine with a Fiesta (Zetec) wanted to change his ancilliary belt. He bought one and started his 5 minute job in my garage.
He then found that the manual says to cut the air con belt in front to get at the belt behind. They are stretch belts and can't be re-used.
I gave him a lift to the dealer to get a new air con belt. They sold him two belts for £70, they come as a kit. But they won't be there until the next day.
In the meantime, he tried to stretch the ancilliary belt he had already bought over the tensioner and broke the tensioner. There's a tool for that.
Back to the dealer.
And so it goes on and £200 later, he has new belts and a tensioner.

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