Unless I'm missing something bud, I think I only have a square hole in my bulk head bud. That you pass the master through which is a sod unless you have 2 people or have I made a massive mistake by not stripping back the bulkhead insulation and finding its a square hole made into a metal bracket that can be removed?

Mine is a FL1 2L L series diesel 2000 reg... Please tell me I have struggled for ages in the past to line up the master cylinder with the bloody stupid square hole and turning it a few degrees to lock it in :5bdupe:
oh don't worry - I find getting that ruddy thing a PITA too. But on the INSIDE of the car, there's two nuts. Undo those, and the adaptor plate with the square hole, comes off :)

Look at step 5 on the dark ice instructions - shows the plate
:puke2: lol. No you don't really , just can't believe I have never seen them or even thought they existed, it's not mentioned in RAVE :crazy: pmsl

Yep I see step 5, and just thought it was only on the mg and not Elle (my hippo).

O well that makes things easier then.
I have learnt something new today so nice one bud. Cheers for that. I'm going to try and get a slave from the breakers on Wednesday, once I get that I can make the mounting bracket to the gearbox. The only real dimension I need is the distance from the slave mounting holes to the gear box. I think I'll make the bracket with several sets of holes in it so I can move the slave closer or further away from release shaft until I'm happy with the position.
Would the clutch slave from the MGF or TF fit? They have a bleed nipple as the engine is in the back of the car. I had to replace the pipe in my MGF recently and although bleeding was a pain it is do-able.

One thing to watch for if trying to bleed yours is the plunger end of the slave can have air in it even after bleeding. I found I had to push the plunger back in with a screwdriver and the bleed nipple open to get the air out. Not convinced it is 100% yet either.
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mgf parts could certainly make life easier....

Slave fits on a steel bracket - the upper bolt holes go to the engine mount, but would be simple enough to weld on a basic bracket that used the lower hole






Slave cylinder would need the pushrod swapping out for the freelander one too... but if it's like ours, it's just a push-in affair

Civic master cylinder still looks like the best option for that side of it however. As long as the bore/stroke is the same, should be able to simply swap the piston over (I did this to bodge a Rover 45 system on my hippo)
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found this picture too, which may be of interest:

A simple piece of angle-iron. All I need now is a slave cylinder to mock it up with :lol:
Your the man :cool:

Nice find bud. I'm out tomorrow to find a mgf slave from a breakers and some hose and fittings. May even have enough dollar to get a master from a civic then I can play..

Are you going to do this to yours DD?
I started this post thinking my idea was silly trying to get away from the stupid PITA system we use, but seems like it was worth while.
Brill stuff
Well I'm fed-up of this clutch - every attempt I've made to bleed something SO simple in operation, has just defied me. Once I've fully replaced it, I'm going to burn the original bloody parts

The MGF master can't be used annoyingly, as it's a vertical setup - but if the resevoir can be removed, and it gives a fairly easy option of adding a remote one on, it may well be a VERY cheap alternative (master/slave setups go on Ebay for about £20-£30 posted, as a pair)
Any luck with your slave cylinder DD?
I have ordered one from ECP and is coming tomorrow. As for the master cylinder, Ill get it tomorrow when Im collecting from ECP.

Any idea on the bore size of the pipe going from master to slave bud, as I was just going to use standard brake cooper pipe with a flexible bit on the end, but not sure if this will provide enough fluid movement mate!
Stock pipe is 6mm ID, thick wall pipe :) And the MGF uses standard brake pipe size IIRC, so no worries on that front

Busy tonight, so will hopefully get a spare 5 mins to measure the bore of the stock master+slave tomorrow.
Any luck with your slave cylinder DD?
I have ordered one from ECP and is coming tomorrow. As for the master cylinder, Ill get it tomorrow when Im collecting from ECP.

Any idea on the bore size of the pipe going from master to slave bud, as I was just going to use standard brake cooper pipe with a flexible bit on the end, but not sure if this will provide enough fluid movement mate!

+1 on 6mm (or 1/4") You might have to ring around a few suppliers to get it and good luck getting the ends. Prob best trying ebay. I had to buy a new crimping tool to make off the ends for my MGF as old tool only goes to 3/16". :(
just had a realisation, that makes this whole affair far less of a headache, and cheaper....

The only reason we end up swapping the master cylinder, pipework, resevoir, etc - is because the standard pipework has an odd fitting. But it just dawned on me that I've already got a solution to this:


The thread on the blue bits is 1/8bsp, so won't be a straight fit into slave cylinder. So a little bit more research needed, but potentially a cheap and easy solution!
we don't... but if I can get one of these blue fittings onto another slave cylinder (I'm swaying towards an mgf item, so I can just slap on an existing mount) then we can cut off the stock plastic one, and screw on a slave that DOES have a bleed nipple.

The stock master cylinder does the job perfectly well, and we have no issues with it - so if we can reuse it, it'll save some pennies :)
DD, Got you now. Totally understand.
I have got a new MGF slave from ECP last week and mounted it to a spare PG1 G/B using your super idea using simple angle iron.
I can confirm that the push rod from the F/L fits into the slave cylinder of the MGF one with no issues.

All I was waiting for is a different master, but like you say if we can get away with placing a fitting onto the existing plastic pipe already routed round the engine bay and utilising the original F/L master, we will not only save money but an hour of time, rerouting a copper tube from a different master to the MGF slave.

I have access to loads of different hydraulic and airline fittings at my works (as used on pneumatic machinery and hydraulic control systems so once Im back in the workshop next week collecting my service parts for use around the country, ill have a secret look in the stores :)

Ill report back.
I have got a new MGF slave from ECP last week and mounted it to a spare PG1 G/B using your super idea using simple angle iron.
I can confirm that the push rod from the F/L fits into the slave cylinder of the MGF one with no issues.

You can't tease me like that - say you've got one bolted up but NOT put any pictures up :lol:
HEHE, Yes I have it mounted guys, but Im away all this week until next tuesday.
Ill then post pictures and some dimensions of the angled bracket I used.

May even post exact cutting and hole drilling measurements if you guys promise NOT TO COPY :mooning: LOL....

Mine is just purely for functionality, not to win any prizes for who's is the strongest, biggest or thickest PMSL... :bounce:

But mine WILL be more awesome as mine's a RED one, Mr Alan Bond...(Kevin Bloody Wilson, for those who cant recall the song. LOL.)

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