Occams Razor; you changed the transfer box ratio, you changed the tyres to bigger ones, there is your answer. Sometimes we just dont want to admit defeat!
Sorry, I've read this "Occam's razor " thing before, and still don't know what it means and can't be bothered right now about googling it.
But I think there is a problem on this thread. The OP has not changed anything on his Landy. And he is the one who feels he has a problem.
Others who have contributed to this thread, HAVE changed stuff. And I think peeps are confusing these guys with the OP.
Sh!t. I'm not a mod so why am I getting involved?
This thread either needs clarity or peeps who can be bothered to read it carefully from the beginning. Not that I think there is a great problem.
Maybe I'll just go and do something else!;)
Others who have contributed to this thread, HAVE changed stuff. And I think peeps are confusing these guys with the OP.
I'm not. When i replied las time i quoted the man especially cos there were more contributors so if you'll watch my last post you'll see that i was speaking to the man who i quoted not to the OP ;)
I'm not. When i replied las time i quoted the man especially cos there were more contributors so if you'll watch my last post you'll see that i was speaking to the man who i quoted not to the OP ;)
@sierrafery I will never argue with you cos as far as I am concerned, when it comes to electronix as well as other stuff, you is the man!
Watching this thread to see if OP ever comes back to us with what he has checked on his engine!;)
My disco is standard and I've not done anything to it yet. I'm starting to think it's not worth modifying as I very much doubt I will need the 3.5 tone towing capacity.
My disco is standard and I've not done anything to it yet. I'm starting to think it's not worth modifying as I very much doubt I will need the 3.5 tone towing capacity.
Glad you have come to a decision. But still think it wouldn't be a bad thing to make sure it is producing the power it should be producing.
Good luck mate.:)

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