I sold a transfer box last week for £30 and I wouldn't consider it a massive job to replace. How handy are you mate?

Yeah, I am a field service engineer so well within my ability..just time and space really and the 100 pound quote seemed really good, great replies tho certainly putting things in perspective for me
It's not a complex job. I assisted with the garage when they did mine. I wouldn't want to attempt it on my own though. Its a heavy lump to move and its definitely a job for a couple of people. The last thing I would want to do is spend hours fitting a box that turns out to be ****e
Ive got a disco box in my 300tdi 90 with big tyres

mostly normal driving its fine don't notice the difference good on the motorway will happily sit at 70 - 75 and i hit over 90 in it the other week still washing my pants after that though.

when towing a 2 tonne trailer with big tyres it still pulls well once moving but i wouldn't want to stop on some hills and get going again that could be a low ratio job
My genuine Defender 200tdi with standard 1.4 transfer box happily sits at 70-75 on the motorway, and pulls like a train. That's with big tyres on too.

Seems a pointless conversion to me.

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