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Is there anyone in the South Bay, Los Angeles area who can help me figure this out?
My freekander has been on blocks for almost 2 weeks. The guy that said he would change my tyranny fluid and filter doesn't know what he's doing. He tried to drop the pan, has removed all but one bolt that he can't reach a.nd stripped it trying to remove it.
Then I read about the bolt that is attached to reverse...
He insisted all b olts must come off , I said no, and now he is MIA. a d I'm stuck with a disassembled freelander in my alley.
Please help
Erm, I don't think there are to many members in South Bay LA!

In fact I don't think there are many Freelanders in CA, plenty of Ranger Rovers - but not many Freelanders.

I think you had better cross your fingers and find a local mechanic you can trust. If the reverse bolt has been removed, it is probably night night Freelander as you will probably be in for a box rebuild because I don't suppose there are to many boxes available 2nd hand over there. You may get lucky, but its still a decent job to change it.
So this guy said he can do a job, which it turns out he can't. :confused: He isn't a mechanic, that's for sure, or he'd have known his limits.

The gearbox used in the Freelander is a Jatco gearbox, which is also used in some Jaguar and VW vehicles.
The only thing that can be done without removing the gearbox is a fluid change and the solenoids. The filter is inside the gearbox, which requires the gearbox to come out and completely apart to access the filter. This is a specialist transmission shop job, not something that can be done by a guy on the street.

Your best option is to get this guy to put vehicle put back together, and have it taken to a gearbox specialist, who is capable of doing the job.;)

A simple fluid change is easy, but again the person doing the work needs to know what he is doing.:eek:
Erm, I don't think there are to many members in South Bay LA!

In fact I don't think there are many Freelanders in CA, plenty of Ranger Rovers - but not many Freelanders.

I think you had better cross your fingers and find a local mechanic you can trust. If the reverse bolt has been removed, it is probably night night Freelander as you will probably be in for a box rebuild because I don't suppose there are to many boxes available 2nd hand over there. You may get lucky, but its still a decent job to change it.
+1. The best is to look for an authomatic gearbox specialist.
Good luck.
[QUOTE = "Nodge68, post: 5093118, member: 79035"] Entonces este tipo dijo que podía hacer un trabajo, pero resulta que no puede. :confundido:No es mecánico, eso es seguro, o habría conocido sus límites.

La caja de cambios utilizada en el Freelander es una caja de cambios Jatco, que también se utiliza en algunos vehículos Jaguar y VW.
Lo único que se puede hacer sin quitar la caja de cambios es un cambio de líquido y los solenoides. El filtro está dentro de la caja de cambios, lo que requiere que la caja de cambios salga y se separe completamente para acceder al filtro. Este es un trabajo de taller especializado en transmisiones, no algo que pueda hacer un hombre en la calle.

Su mejor opción es hacer que este tipo vuelva a armar el vehículo y que lo lleve a un especialista en cajas de cambios, que sea capaz de hacer el trabajo.;)

Un simple cambio de fluido es fácil, pero nuevamente la persona que realiza el trabajo necesita saber lo que está haciendo. : eek:[/CITA]
+1. Lo mejor es buscar un especialista en cajas de cambios automáticas.
Buena suerte.
I'm sure I have seen a pic on the forum with an arrow pointing to the reverse band bolt.

I've just had a quick search for it and didn't find it, dunno if anyone else knows what thread its on, or you could have a look through the Jatco threads @DILLON ABBY .

If that bolt has not been removed then you'll have an idea of what grief you are going to be in taking it to a proper mechanic.

Of course, if all the bolts have been put back - and the box has not been drained - you could just put it in reverse and see if it moves!

I don't think it damages anything doing that - but a 2nd opinion from someone that knows would be best to take first!
I'm sure I have seen a pic on the forum with an arrow pointing to the reverse band bolt.

I've just had a quick search for it and didn't find it, dunno if anyone else knows what thread its on, or you could have a look through the Jatco threads @DILLON ABBY .

If that bolt has not been removed then you'll have an idea of what grief you are going to be in taking it to a proper mechanic.

Of course, if all the bolts have been put back - and the box has not been drained - you could just put it in reverse and see if it moves!

I don't think it damages anything doing that - but a 2nd opinion from someone that knows would be best to take first!
Thank you, everyone. I'll let you know what happens. I appreciate your time
Keep us posted, send us some pictures of the current state of the gearbox, and we'll see what the state of play is. You can also have a look at the website for a uk based landrover transmission specialist called "ashcroft transmissions" who has some really good info on how to or not to do a fluid change. Bascially there is a bolt above the front left hand driveshaft which kind of look slike a filler plug, but if it's removed it drops the reverse band:


Even if that band is dropped, there is still some hope, the following link is an article where I think the author was on your side of the pond, and made a workaround:

Assuming that bolt hasn't been removed and thus the reverse band dropped, you could 90% buy a harbor freight socket set and put it back together yourself. We'd give you some tech support, and I've posted the ASTG transmission workshop manual for this transmission somewhere in here, which you could refer to.
Keep us posted, send us some pictures of the current state of the gearbox, and we'll see what the state of play is. You can also have a look at the website for a uk based landrover transmission specialist called "ashcroft transmissions" who has some really good info on how to or not to do a fluid change. Bascially there is a bolt above the front left hand driveshaft which kind of look slike a filler plug, but if it's removed it drops the reverse band:


I ask: I see that in this information distinguish between level plug and drain plug? when I changed the oil I just dropped the level. Can anyone confirm that there is such a drain plug on our jatco? Thanks.

I have a 2005 LR1. Thanks

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