
Well-Known Member
Serves his privileged @ss right. Kudos to his parents for laying the smack down on him...

Before I get dragged in the comments... I never, ever,ever,ever thought about stealing my parent’s car (yep. Stealing is what it is) to go joy riding. I thoroughly enjoyed my life too much for my parents to end it all over me doing dumb $h!t. Like my mom would say “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it.” :p
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What a complete, utter... er... Screwdriver!!
"I don’t have a license so I just took it,"
Pretty much sums up the yoof of today.
What's a licence got to do with the price of milk then?
You don't take/steal/borrow/whatever your parents car. IF you have a licence, then you ask and they say yes or no you don't just take

FFS wotanob
Hello all, two things caught my eye:

1. "Angel was speeding his North Phoenix neighborhood, disrupting his neighbors while his parents celebrated their anniversary in Las Vegas."
Does this mean they actually left him on his own? One can be pretty responsible at 14, or...

2. "Angel's family found about the joy ride after Phoenix Police gave them a call. Their son had been in trouble a few times before"
Which means No, he is an irresponsible idiot and should not be left unsupervised


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