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Well-Known Member
So I spoke to Flux the other day double check fitting a roll cage wouldnt send my policy skyrocketing, which it hasnt, no increase on the premium at all infact.

However the rep on the phone that apparently since last June there has been a "Midterm adjustment fee of £30 for each modification carried out"

Flabbergasted at this I argued and it was "adjusted" to a £15 one off payment on completion of all mods.

However as most know ive been building my 110 over the past year and informed Flux of each and every mod at the time of completion. Rung them around 10 or 15 times since June at least, each time the rep just adds the mod and says goodbye. No charge, no fee, no arguement.

Could the LZ rep @Adrian Flux shed some light on this?

As £30 per mod would get very expensive, very fast for a modding landy owner!!

Agreed, that could get scary quite quickly :mad:. I too drive a modded LR, as does SWMBO, so will be very interested in the reply, if any from Flux....

You proved how daft it all is, by being able to negotiate too :cool: but also :eek:

The cynic in me is suggesting that it's all part of the conspiracy to get us out of vehicle's which'll last forever, and on to the tigers back of a new POS eurobox every 3 years :rolleyes::mad::mad::mad:
Does feel like that ay!!

Ill post up what happens when i fit a new mod, it was all quite odd. If it had been in use since June then why is this the first anyone is hearing about it over 6 months later!
If it had been in use since June then why is this the first anyone is hearing about it over 6 months later!

Probably because not many people I reckon call their insurance company and tell them when they modify their vehicles, just wait until they get asked the question the following year and then some I suspect do not answer correctly then.

Probably because not many people I reckon call their insurance company and tell them when they modify their vehicles, just wait until they get asked the question the following year and then some I suspect do not answer correctly then.


Indeed, it's not all the ins co's fault.... just 99.999999999999% :D

I blame customers meself :eek: more trouble than they're worth most of the time :eek:o_O:rolleyes::D

Oh, er, hang on...:confused::confused::confused: :eek:

( I still hate insurance companies though :p )
"Midterm adjustment fee of £30 for each modification carried out"

So , seriously , is that £30 per actual individual change to the vehicle or for each time you call up and change the modifications listed on the policy?

They could be two very different things.

I know I added a winch bumper and winch to my policy in October ( not via AF ) , no cost and new papers in the post 2 days later.

So , seriously , is that £30 per actual individual change to the vehicle or for each time you call up and change the modifications listed on the policy?

They could be two very different things.

I know I added a winch bumper and winch to my policy in October ( not via AF ) , no cost and new papers in the post 2 days later.


From what she said sounded like each time you ring up. Though im sure most of us do work on the weekends, could be £30 a week!

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