
Well-Known Member
My 1990 90 has the worst dash ever

It's full of screw holes for long discarded accessories so one of its MAAAANNNYYYY previous owners thought it'd be a good idea to cut a piece of chequer plate into a console and screw it along the front of the dash

It's hideous

I just want a standard dash with no holes in close to warrington , oh and cheap as I'm skint
Notice this is a very old thread, but I'm hunting for a new or second hand dashboard assembly for a 1989 Defender. Did you find a new dash?

Mine has a hole in low down and the top part by the windscreen is cracked, but I'm struggling to find any in the usual places. Does anyone have any knowledge of where I might find the upper "Crash Pad Facia" (MWC9327PMA) and lower dash "Heater Duct" (MUC1383 & 4). These are listed on the JLR site but shown as out of stock and the second part is particularly expensive! Based on the name I'm also not totally convinced it is the right part either?
Original post is 11 years old.

Are you connected with the company you keep pushing by any chance?
Yes, I grew up just up the road from you in Witcombe, GLOS. I was trying to convert RHD Defenders to LHD in the USA and realized that some of the key dash parts were missing, so I started manufacturing them initially for my own purposes and then for consumers.
I would be very interested in your advice on the best place to advertise these types of parts...where would you look?
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It would have been polite to ask the owners of the forums if they minded you advertising on their forum before you did so.
It would have been polite to ask the owners of the forums if they minded you advertising on their forum before you did so.
Grebby, that's fair feedback. I am very new to the UK market. I am more an enthusiast than trying to make a living off this and am offering direct from manufacturer prices. I cannot afford a massive marketing budget (I have a day job) and saw a problem and tried to fix it. All feedback welcomed. I have tried going through the established reseller channels and the mark up is eye watering (circa 120%)

How do I get in touch with the owners of the forum, as I have looked everywhere for contact details.
It's accywingy I think. If you click on "members" in the top banner then "staff members" on the left, he's listed there.

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