I've heard that in years gone by, there use to be a folding bull bar marketed at farmers to carry a bail of hay.
I fancy knocking one up and i've got some ideas in my head but i would like to find some pictures of what the originals looked like and how they functioned.

If anyone has one kicking about or fitted i would love to see some photos

2 bent tubes horizontal that was the depth of the head lights
2 box sections for risers
1/2 “ mesh where the radiator section was
Unsure how it hinged(used bar & R clips to lock in place)
Made a good seat on shoot days

Old bearmach part number BA006
But you may not find much
What design you looking at doing?

There was a later 90 bull bar that curved round the front wing/sides but was not foldable
What design you looking at doing?

There was a later 90 bull bar that curved round the front wing/sides but was not foldable
Yeah something like that so it comes round the side of the wings a bit.
I play to be using it at night so I will make my centre spotlights fixed so they are still up when it’s folded down.
I will probably start it in the next couple of weeks so I will get some pictures up.
I won’t be using it for hay, I’d rather not upset anyone or start a arguments so I won’t say what it’s for
Having said that you now absolutely need to tell us what you are planning on using it for! especially the comment about night use...

A lot of HGV "bull bars" are foldable, both American/Australian style trucks and the European cabover design as they need to fold down to allow the cab to tilt. It may be worth looking at some of them for some inspiration as well.
Carrying dead prostitutes?

Carrying cannabis plants?

Tying yourself to, so gaylander owners can enjoy jolly naughty botty pranks with you?

What ever it is will still be in the way of the spot lights.
Not necessarily true, he may be going for an underslung setup for the gaylander owners so the spotlights are not be obscured and will illuminate the set for the additional film rights revenue
I won’t be using it for hay, I’d rather not upset anyone or start a arguments so I won’t say what it’s for
Easier method then.. cushion in spare wheel on bonnet.
Or old school plastic chair mounted where the spare wheel was. Mount on large flat plate so you can put a lap belt to hold the person still.
You’re behind the lights so you don’t get glare. (Found sitting infront of the motor you get to the ditch of water before everything else)
Getting bounced clean out of the spare wheel when we hit a rut at speed [ about 25 probably] was somewhat scary , came back down on the NS wing and held on just thanks to the old series having those actual wing mirrors on stalks..
As most of you have guessed, i use my defender for shooting. I have a hatch in the back to stand out of and go lamping or sitting and waiting for fox.
Foxes that are shot need taking back to the firepit and deer to the chiller and i don't want them in the back so at the moment, i have a basket i made that attaches to the Dixon bate tow plate which works great but its always in the way for me getting in and out of the back door so thats why i'm looking at the front.
I know i can put another dixon plate on my front bumper and use the existing basket but i fancy doing something different that doesn't mean i have to remember to take the basket.

I do like the guesses people have made, maybe i will build in a carrier bag holder for when its folded down, save me finding a nice bush in the woods to fertilize 🤣

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