Took 'er indoors jam jar in for its MOT this morning. Pass, no advisories.

Always good to have a back up.
I do hate it when I cant find the spanners/sockets cos they are buried under Croissant/crisp/chocolate packets, in the cubby or lower dash :rolleyes: Oh and an empty tank.

So yes keep er indoors car going then she wont have to borrow the trusty Landy:D.

To give them all 12v oft yer power yer need to wire them in parallel. All LED positive connect together. All LED negative (0v), connected together. Yer can do it by daisy chaining them. If yer put 6 in series then each obe will get a 6th of the 12 volts. So they will be dim.
Just tried six like this and all are bright


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Morning folks :).

Well is raining today and has been miserable for the last couple of days.
Been doing a bit more electrickery over at friends, 2 lights left to connect but needed a close socket to run a lead light. So thats tomorrows job.
So today is a veg out day and chuck wood at the fire to stay toasty.
Friday is going to be a trip to the big town to renew my residents card, should be a 10yr 1 this time round. So am gearing myself up for all the redtape and different offices to visit, maybe its changed and they will even take payment by card now instead of having to go the bank and pay there then go back to the "grumpy" woman behind the desk to hand the paperwork back and a payment receipt:rolleyes:.

So I reckon after all that and a little bit of shopping, the will to live will have been drained out of me so we will eat out:).

Good luck with that wear some comfortable shoes 😮😮
Just sat waiting for a drum of oil via UPS, supposed to be here this afternoon but cancelled that saying that it would be delivered by end of day.
Goin out for tea ffs, givin them till six then I'm off for me hot pot
Got rained off (drizzle) doing my lights on truck, got six soldered up with another 20 to go, then the cab lights and bumper lights :)
I will try to help not confuse.
Gate valves are carp IMO when they get old they are even worse. I am beginning to see this I have heard similar from the plumber who came over yessdi and it is all over online how carp they are.
Older systems were laid out so as to have mains pressure to the Kitchen tap/utility room (maybe). The rest of the cold taps were fed from a tank. This tank would also feed the hot water tank, it would enter at the bottom of the hot water tank. Yes this is the case.

After you drained your cold water was the tank empty? No. It just drained the kitchen tap, the outside tap and the utility tap. The other taps still ran, so I know they are fed from the header tank. It just took an amazingly long time. I guess it drained all the pipes that feed the tank in the roof, and maybe the one with a ball valve to the little header tank for the CH.
If not then your taps you drained were all main supplied taps. If it took ages to drain then I would expect them to be fed from the top tank, if this is the case it should have been empty when you looked.

If it was still full then you could have just run a hot tap to feed the hot tank and empty the top tank, as soon as the top tank is empty then no more water can come out of the hot tank as its fed from the bottom and tap supply is from the top. This then would mean you only have to turn off the mains and run a hot tap, no need to mess any more valves. If I can't get the correct gate valve to work then this is what I'll do, and for good measure I'll tie up the ballcock so that it cannot feed the header tank.

But yes central heating is more urgent need right now good luck :). Thanks mate!:)
If it was still full then you could have just run a hot tap to feed the hot tank and empty the top tank, as soon as the top tank is empty then no more water can come out of the hot tank as its fed from the bottom and tap supply is from the top. This then would mean you only have to turn off the mains and run a hot tap, no need to mess any more valves. If I can't get the correct gate valve to work then this is what I'll do, and for good measure I'll tie up the ballcock so that it cannot feed the header tank.
Had to copy from your post @Stanleysteamer

No need to tie up the ballcock if the main is turned off and good (should be it’s new) just drain the tank and no more will come out the hot taps.

Evening all!
Had a really nice day, out. Went to Bath, had lunch in a Hotel that used to house the Admiralty it felt really funny walking up the steps and inwhere for two decades I watched matelots, usually orficers doing just that.
The inside doesn't look much of the Victorian decor was left. Still nice though and the food was good.
Then went to the theatre and enjoyed the play.
Nice to be able to drive both ways and walk around Bath in warmish sunny weather.
Went down to the Parade Gardens, walked under the colonnade which led to a good view of the weir, guess what? They have closed it off.
Poop! Brilliant view of Pulteney Bridge as well. Suppose they are scared of accidents.
Soooo many live-aboard boats tied up along the bank.
If it was still full then you could have just run a hot tap to feed the hot tank and empty the top tank, as soon as the top tank is empty then no more water can come out of the hot tank as its fed from the bottom and tap supply is from the top. This then would mean you only have to turn off the mains and run a hot tap, no need to mess any more valves. If I can't get the correct gate valve to work then this is what I'll do, and for good measure I'll tie up the ballcock so that it cannot feed the header tank.
Had to copy from your post @Stanleysteamer

No need to tie up the ballcock if the main is turned off and good (should be it’s new) just drain the tank and no more will come out the hot taps.

As I said, "for good measure" in case the flipping stopcock leaks.

CH is sort of working, but needs further attention. There do seem to be airlocks and I still cannot see how what I did interfered with the CH system. In the past I have drained parts of it down and replaced rads, changed the positions of two one dramatically into the garage, and never had an airlock beyond one simple one. Never had it affect multiple rads.
No idea but I have yet to really start on sorting it.
Of the 14 rads in the house we only use 7 due to rooms we don't use, and having had double glazing fitted.
Still that is a battle for tomorrow!
Evening all!
Had a really nice day, out. Went to Bath, had lunch in a Hotel that used to house the Admiralty it felt really funny walking up the steps and inwhere for two decades I watched matelots, usually orficers doing just that.
The inside doesn't look much of the Victorian decor was left. Still nice though and the food was good.
Then went to the theatre and enjoyed the play.
Nice to be able to drive both ways and walk around Bath in warmish sunny weather.
Went down to the Parade Gardens, walked under the colonnade which led to a good view of the weir, guess what? They have closed it off.
Poop! Brilliant view of Pulteney Bridge as well. Suppose they are scared of accidents.
Soooo many live-aboard boats tied up along the bank.

As I said, "for good measure" in case the flipping stopcock leaks.

CH is sort of working, but needs further attention. There do seem to be airlocks and I still cannot see how what I did interfered with the CH system. In the past I have drained parts of it down and replaced rads, changed the positions of two one dramatically into the garage, and never had an airlock beyond one simple one. Never had it affect multiple rads.
No idea but I have yet to really start on sorting it.
Of the 14 rads in the house we only use 7 due to rooms we don't use, and having had double glazing fitted.
Still that is a battle for tomorrow!

Hoy you, all these places yous go & not one shared pic, thought you were a team player. 🤪 🤣

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