New Member
My Freelander 2 went into limp mode and the code tht came up showed it was the EGR Valve. I took it to a local mechanic as it was due a service anyway . He serviced it and suggested i had it remapped so the EGR Valve wasnt see.
Tried this but still going into limp mode. Guy who remappaed it says i need to unplug the EGR Valve but cant see where from. Any Ideas?

Another guy suggested blanking it off which i have done but same issue. Any help gratefully received
Welcome :).

Sounds like a lot of guys involved that don't know馃.

If the remap guy knew it needed unplugging surely he would have done so?
If its been mapped out it shouldn't need blanking surely?

Dont know to be honest but sounds as if you have another problem, probably not related to the EGR.

The good guys who know the FL will be along soon.

Welcome :).

Sounds like a lot of guys involved that don't know馃.

If the remap guy knew it needed unplugging surely he would have done so?
If its been mapped out it shouldn't need blanking surely?

Dont know to be honest but sounds as if you have another problem, probably not related to the EGR.

The good guys who know the FL will be along soon.

The Gut who remapped it said about 1 in 500 needed unplugging. I cant see where it is plugged in and dont want to unplug the wrong thing!
The Gut who remapped it said about 1 in 500 needed unplugging. I cant see where it is plugged in and dont want to unplug the wrong thing!
So LR made 1 in 500 different 馃. If he knows it may need unplugging then he should be able to tell you were and send a pic. I would still ask why he didn't do it? Or hes full of ****

Oh I am no FL expert by the way.

I would bite the bullet get the EGR replaced and run a few miles away from the two people you mentioned. Hoping the remap has been done correctly
My Freelander 2 went into limp mode and the code tht came up showed it was the EGR Valve. I took it to a local mechanic as it was due a service anyway . He serviced it and suggested i had it remapped so the EGR Valve wasnt see.
Tried this but still going into limp mode. Guy who remappaed it says i need to unplug the EGR Valve but cant see where from. Any Ideas?

Another guy suggested blanking it off which i have done but same issue. Any help gratefully received
You don't say what year the vehicle is. There are a couple of different EGR systems fitted to these vehicles. If it's after 2010, you can't have the EGR mapped out, as emissions control equipment is locked by LR.
It's just easier to replace the EGR valve and drive it. They fail every 100k miles or so, so it's not really an issue.
You don't say what year the vehicle is. There are a couple of different EGR systems fitted to these vehicles. If it's after 2010, you can't have the EGR mapped out, as emissions control equipment is locked by LR.
It's just easier to replace the EGR valve and drive it. They fail every 100k miles or so, so it's not really an issue.
Thanks Nodge
It is a 2014 with 68k on the clock. Looks like i need to get it changed then. Thanks for the info.

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