Good evening,

Overtime my clutch starts to loose pressure, and the pedal moves further and further to the floor, until it will no longer disengage the clutch plates. The fix for this was bleeding every 3/4 months, then every 1/2 months, until it became weekly, then daily, then every trip.

I have replaced the master cylinder to no avail, so thinking now the intruding (air, dirt, debris, whatever) is entering in the slave?

My slave is inside the bell housing...

Anyone have any experience in this issue? As this will turn into a full clutch replacement whilst the housing is open, which I will then ask for potential costs from you guys too :D

Many thanks,
Cheap aftermarket master cylinders seldom work correctly in these vehicles, so if the replacement wasn't on OE or LR boxed part, that could be some of the issue. Also if the clutch hasn't been disengaging properly, the friction plate could be distorted, making correct clutch operation unlikely.

Cost wise you'll be looking at over £500 for the parts if the flywheel needs replacing, plus whatever the labour charge is.
So missed info from me, i replaced the master cylinder once with an after market, and it fixed the issue until it didnt...

Then replaced with an OEM, and it didn't even reduce the issue at all ::(
So missed info from me, i replaced the master cylinder once with an after market, and it fixed the issue until it didnt...

Then replaced with an OEM, and it didn't even reduce the issue at all ::(
Ok, it sounds like an issue with the clutch itself, rather than the release assembly. However while the clutch is being done, the slave should also be replaced.

For the clutch plate put what you want, only the salve/master need to be replace by a genuine or LUK made slave.
If you already had a new the OEM master, no need to replace it again. But you need you will need certainly to flush it indidualy.

Cheers mate, and no extra bits and pieces? Seen someone say before 1 £20 seal needs replacing during, and someone else saying something about the drive shaft? :?
How far you want to go depends on budget and how long you plan to keep it. When the clutch on my FL2 finally fails, I'll replace the drive shaft output seals, and the crank seal behind the flywheel, as to me it makes sense to do it when it's apart. I charge myself £30 per hour labour, at least I price my time at that rate. So to me it makes sense to replace anything that's likely to fail later on, as it'll work out cheaper than charging myself labour to strip it down again, if you get what I mean?
Yep absolutely get it, well in a dreamy land, i want to keep it forever :D it will turn into something of a novelty later in life, but for now id like to use it a bit, apart from this clutch issue it seems to say to me its in a great condition mechanically, only bit of rust was replaced this year (lower wishbone N/S)
Thanks for you help :)
@Nodge68 Would the below be the right parts?

Slave - LUK510008310
Clutch - VLO834182
Flywheel - VLO836550
Seal - ELR702.994

Thought I should give an update! Success!

On a very rainy cold weekend in October 2023, myself and old man took to the underneath of my Freelander....

Surprisingly, nothing really went too wrong? Seized ball joint on the lower wish bone... cut off and replaced full wishbone as some evidence of rust anyway... £30.

Some ignorant bell housing bolts and poor accessibility gave a decent fight... but mainly it was the classic - finding another bolt I had missed, only on this occasion happened about 4 times ha!

Bell housing off, clutch plates out, slave replaced, flywheel checked over and left original, clutch plates replaced, and we were good.... Ish

Trying to hip thrust the bell housing so that it was level and straight to align with the splines was a painful journey, and resulted in me having something quite heavy on my waist for a lot longer than I wanted it to be!

Everything back on and together, no left over bolts either which was a bonus :)

Clutch now working perfect and BAU, thank you to those who recommended (demanded) a OEM/LUK slave as I don't want to do that again.

Well not on a stone driveway in the winter anyway.... Was quite fun other than that :)

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