Hi Folks. I had a Series 3 88 Safari with a Perkins Prima engine and drove it every day for about 5 yrs. And it was great fun. But just after fitting new diesel fuel filters, a double pair, the fuel solenoid gave up the ghost. We tried everything but still it wouldn't come out. So went and bought a new pump and knackered the engine putting the timing belt on. So now I have my spare 2 1/4 petrol fitted but there is no spark at the plugs. I get a spark at the points though. New leads, distributor, coil, and it's no better. So does anyone here know if a diesel ignition barrel will work on a petrol engine ? Because they must be a bit different. And I am running out of dough.
Sorry it's a wee bit long.


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Post over as ^^^...but as a pointer an ignition switch for petrol needs a wire to the coil when in position 2...
Post over as ^^^...but as a pointer an ignition switch for petrol needs a wire to the coil when in position 2...
Hi, Shippers Yes I have the white wire to the coil, and red/white to solenoid, and the spade for the heater plugs is empty.
I thought I had posted on the series forum. I will there.
A cpl of weeks ago I was getting a spark at the points, but then it was switching the coil of when in the starting position.

So I swapped the 2 thin wires over and I thought I had fixed it. But no.
The white wire from ign use dmm to check for 12v in position 2 dont start changing things work in sequence eliminate as you go...
I am back again. After some head scratching. I have came to the conclusion that a diesel barrel is incompatible with a petrol engine. But if you are stuck what you can do is put a (switched) short jumper wire between the white wire going to the coil, and the red and white wire terminal going to the solenoid/ starter motor. This switch will operate the starter motor, then when the engine is running, you cut of the power to the red/white wire via the new switch. Leaving the coil powered up. To switch the engine of, all you do is use the ignition key as normal. Bingo.
I am back again. After some head scratching. I have came to the conclusion that a diesel barrel is incompatible with a petrol engine. But if you are stuck what you can do is put a (switched) short jumper wire between the white wire going to the coil, and the red and white wire terminal going to the solenoid/ starter motor. This switch will operate the starter motor, then when the engine is running, you cut off the power to the red/white wire via the new switch. Leaving the coil powered up. To switch the engine off, all you do is use the ignition key as normal. Bingo.
You should be able to change wire over on the rear of the barrel to get this to work.
Just make sure the coil is switched live in the run position & start up.

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