
Hello I'm new to the land rover scene.
Loved working on the old defenders but only interior work.

I recently traded my old focus for a disco 3 and it has its issues which I will sort out hopefully.

I've had the car for about 2 months now and has run fine even with its issues however today it has started to tap when idle and as I accelerate its speed increases.

I'm no mechanic but I have asked a few friends of mine and they say it could be the lifters. It has a full dipstick so i know oil is not low could the pump fail and is there a way to check this?

I have no idea when the last service was done but the oil is black like charcoal. Would an oil and oil filter change possibly cure this or does it seem more like a bigger problem?

I know this has probably been discussed many times but learning how to navigate this forum.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
A blowing exhaust, iffy injectors or cam, just me with a guess, unfortunately I don't have a crystal ball. 馃
A blowing exhaust, iffy injectors or cam, just me with a guess, unfortunately I don't have a crystal ball. 馃
Well it was tapping from the top of the engine but as I said the car is now not starting putting a code reader to see what codes come up tomorrow

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