
I have the above issue coming up - had a new compressor around a year ago (when it was my dads car) and it has been noisy since. In the last few thousand miles its been throwing up a 'suspension fault' message either at start up or during the journey. It will say stay below 30 if i drop below that speed and increase again. The suspension doesn't drop, or seem to when left. So to sum up...

- New dunlop (but noisy, can this be a fitting problem?) compressor fitted 1 year ago
- Compressor runs when you start the car for around ~20-60s
- Suspension will run through heights correctly before the error flags up. (however any 'up' movement will combine with the compressor running again for between ~20-120s.
- Rear suspension heights seem too high on standard height.
- C1a13 appears to be a fault of 'venting too slowly'(?) however when its working it will drop fast with the switch. I scan with iCarsoft but hopefully can trust the code.
- I tried disconnected the pipe which flows towards the rear suspension air muffler, this hasn't appeared to change the fault throwing up. Appears to vent well. It did at one point throw the code when i asked it to lower.

Is it safe to use the D3's daily with these issues , considering it doesn't lower with a fault (even tow?) as I know on my old P38 you wouldn't dream of it.

Thanks for any help!
If I search that code in my L322 files I get this it may help.

I would say its ok to use while you track it down. The worst that could happen is you get the bumpstop ride home:D.
But would certainly consider not to tow;)



  • Code C1A13.pdf
    146 KB · Views: 443
Thanks for that -

With the testing i have done then, it appears the only cause could be a occasionally malfunctioning exhaust valve/coil to it? Can't be muffler, can't be things installed incorrectly as it works some of the time, can't be blocked gallery as it works until the fault flag. Should it log a fault just while driving with a dodgy valve? What could happen at the exhaust valve in normal conditions (not asking for a height change) to flag the fault?
Actually the code should be C1A1364 and it can have multiple causes, see in the attachment


  • D3 suspension diagnostics.pdf
    181.1 KB · Views: 645
As it seems not to be permanent I would check the connectors to make sure they are good, to the components listed in the "possible problem" Exhaust valve and pressure sensor. As a start.
Please remember these are for my L322.
Actually the code should be C1A1364 and it can have multiple causes, see in the attachment

So that sort of confirms to me the LR did use same codes through models, as your file shows same as mine if I read it correct?

I would be looking at the compressor, you say its noisy and a dunlop, land rover went to AMK.
Thanks I'll try some contact cleaner on the offending plugs.

Could a bad pump actually be the issue? The pump appears to operate aside from noise, switching off when gallery pressure gets to ~255psi. The gallery pressure then drops to around 40psi and slowly reduces, presumably a leak somewhere. Could this be a leaky exhaust valve or is there some other valve between exhaust/gallery?

The pump will run whenever I take it from a lower ride height to a higher, presumably to refill the tank (also appears new 2019 - no obvious leak at air hose). I suppose this is normal but takes around 30-60s?
The gallery pressure then drops to around 40psi and slowly reduces, presumably a leak somewhere.

Have you checked the receiver? They're known to rust, as they get all the muck thrown up from the front wheel.
I attached you in post 4 the doc where it's described what can be the cause of that code, as about what parts and where they are you can see in this attachment


  • D3 SLS.pdf
    949.5 KB · Views: 451
Thanks for the file - I assume receiver is a typo for reservoir? Yes as I said above the reservoir appears to be new 2019 and in reasonable nick, the hose to it has no obvious leak with soapy water.

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