john snoo

Well-Known Member
D2 2004 TD5 Landmark
I am mightily confused and since I lack knowledge/experience myself, I either have to take a stab at several local landy people's opinions (which differ massively) or ask on here. I decided I would rather trust the collective knowledge and experience of landy chaps, so here goes...

3 Garages:

1. "I would always fit LUK clutch and DMF" (general garage, no real LR specialist knowledge)
2. "All of my customers love the LOF SMF clutch I fit now, none of them want DMFs any more as this drives just as smooth as a DMF but without the weakness/wear/short lifespan". (LR Specialist)
3. "LOF? F**k that, fit what Landy fits, I wouldn't fit any other clutch than a LUK DMF as that's what LR use". (LR Specialist)

I read some threads here and have seen mentions of LUK, Veleo, Britpart and others. I am totally stumped on what to choose. I had decided to go for the LOF as that guy has a great following and a close friend knows him well and said what he don't know about LR's isn't worth knowing. But number 3 also has a big LR following and is a well respected place. (I rather not give garage names)

I am leaning towards LUK clutch with DMF now, along the lines of 'if in doubt stick with original'.

I would like to source the clutch kit myself and all parts needed for the job, so I save as many pennies as possible. Hoping some experienced folks can offer me their valuable opinions please?

PS Garage 2 also recommended the LOF "reduced effort slave cylinder". Would that be worth doing, regardless of which clutch I go for?
D2 2004 TD5 Landmark
I am mightily confused and since I lack knowledge/experience myself, I either have to take a stab at several local landy people's opinions (which differ massively) or ask on here. I decided I would rather trust the collective knowledge and experience of landy chaps, so here goes...

3 Garages:

1. "I would always fit LUK clutch and DMF" (general garage, no real LR specialist knowledge)
2. "All of my customers love the LOF SMF clutch I fit now, none of them want DMFs any more as this drives just as smooth as a DMF but without the weakness/wear/short lifespan". (LR Specialist)
3. "LOF? F**k that, fit what Landy fits, I wouldn't fit any other clutch than a LUK DMF as that's what LR use". (LR Specialist)

I read some threads here and have seen mentions of LUK, Veleo, Britpart and others. I am totally stumped on what to choose. I had decided to go for the LOF as that guy has a great following and a close friend knows him well and said what he don't know about LR's isn't worth knowing. But number 3 also has a big LR following and is a well respected place. (I rather not give garage names)

I am leaning towards LUK clutch with DMF now, along the lines of 'if in doubt stick with original'.

I would like to source the clutch kit myself and all parts needed for the job, so I save as many pennies as possible. Hoping some experienced folks can offer me their valuable opinions please?

PS Garage 2 also recommended the LOF "reduced effort slave cylinder". Would that be worth doing, regardless of which clutch I go for?
i would fit a new dual mass and go oe ie valeo you get a 100k out of a dmf normally hardly something you change regularly, and no single mass can damp the torque spikes like dual mass
thanks, i have read your posts on many threads and you were one of the people I hoped to hear from. So Valeo is OEM? Garage said LUK was original choice from factory
I notice it says "FTC5200 will be required". I found those, six quid. But I also saw FTC5200HD for 35 odd quid. Would the HD be worth getting? (Bearing in mind i have no idea what these parts do :) )
I had that kit fitted to my D2. I wasn't going to consider cheap or unknown parts because of the hassle (or expense) of having to possibly change it again soon after.
thanks yes that's kind of where I am. Been down that rocky road before. As my mate says "Buy once, buy proply"! - I have read quite a few threads where people don't rate BritPart (such as calling it "Sh**Part"!) - Would it be wise/safe to use a Britpart heavy bearing like this with Valeo clutch kit, or best stick to original? Not sure what difference it makes, but if it changes the feel, I am hoping to go for lighter clutch where possible (such as LOF Slave) to make it a bit light for the misses to drive
Well after much frigging around I think I have at least found the cause of the gear selection problem. Finally rolled my sleeves up and dug in (new for me, thankfully LZ and Youtube exist as it probably wouldn't have happened!)

I bought the SlickShift, not fitted yet as the problem is beneath that but gonna fit the slickshift anyway once this problem is sorted.
Spot the oopsie....

In case you couldn't spot it....

So that bush around the yoke has done a ninja trick and disappeared in a puff of smoke, as his the steel spring clip. Long gone, bottom of sump now I assume. Ho hum. Time for a replacement. I bought the replacement plastic bush and spring clip, just about to fit those.

I took the lid off again (i had it back on so I could nip my kids up the road when needed, wasn't fun but it did get there a few times). Next thing I have noticed is this creamy residue on the underside of the cover....

Should I be worried about that? I need to have the gearbox fluid changed anyway so maybe that will sort it, but is this a water issue (like the old white deposit under oil cap on head blow engines?)
(Please ignore the black blob on the shaft above. Its a bit of ATV silicon the mechanic used to hold ball in place when putting it back in, I had him pop over when I first took lid off for a coffee and confidence boost.That will all be cleaned off now i have the bush)

Finally, I noticed two things about this FTC4247 yoke which I am not sure whether I should be concerned about, and maybe replace it while i have it open? (May not be able to afford it as i am told it's £100 just for this yoke, but will if its a must)....

I have just removed the yoke so I dont drop the spring clip into the gearbox when fitting the new bush. I notice the nipple/selector 'blob' - it's worn flat in a few spots on the inside

I also noticed a few scrapes/gouges, not sure how they were caused...

Am I ok to carry on using this yoke with new bush?

Thanks for any eggspurt thoughts :)
I am thinking i should not pi55 around and should just replace this "Selector Yoke" assembly, FTC 4247. I just noticed the wear inside the circular hole where the ball goes, all in all it probably needs to be replaced. Trouble is, an hour on google and I can't find anywhere I can buy one! Does anyone on here have used parts in good nick for sale, or could someone send me a link to a place which sells these new? nowt on fleabay

I am confused to feck! It even says FTC4247 on it and so does the pic on BritCar, but they list it is 4622, but that might help me find one thanks! At those prices, it's a no go!

Stan - Ha , thats the kind of nitpicky I like! But I have no effing clue! I don't think so, looks like gouges caused by having no selector yoke bush in there for yonks. but you could be right, and of course I am worried now, so thanks for that :D

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