"repair cost will far exceed pav, we therefore consider the vehicle to be at the end of its life, given the structural and suspension damage"
Do you have their report, is the chassis still straight?
Tell your insurance you want it fixed
I have a Tatty but working p38 going for scrap value (been offered 232 quid online) if you can collect it. You'll need to trailer it though as it's been laid up for a while.
Engineer is saying the inner wing and upper wing reinforcer is structural damage
Waiting for a second opinion from an independent engineer. Copart engineer used the phrase "end of life". I would have thought that structural is rather the chassis rather than bodywork, after all the body bolts onto the chassis. Inner wing is £100 from Britpart and stiffener about £85. Brand new genuine front panel is already on its way from Germany, as are the secondhand airbox, headlamp, indicator, n/s foglamp, bumper and lower baffle and bumper bracket. Have held off on the bonnet and wing and inner wing and upper wing reinforcer - if it comes to the crunch (lol) I guess I can always sell on the parts that are already in transit.If it is cat B rather than cat S then I very much doubt you will be allowed to buy it back. You have to be a licensed breaker to get Cat B's
yes the chassis is straight - just bent the radius arm.
Engineer is saying the inner wing and upper wing reinforcer is structural damage.
Cant upload report as it is 4.9 Mb and forum allows up to 3.9Mb.
Really?????I would have thought that structural is rather the chassis rather than bodywork, after all the body bolts onto the chassis.
Sorry I was using the term "structural" in the context of how easy it would be to repair.Really?????