oh jeez. :doh:

who left the closet door open this time! Cos there all coming out tonight int they.

Gaylanders are called gaylanders because there gay. No ifs, no buts(dont get excited, i said buts not butts :D) There just purely homosexual gay and **** off road.

go on, back to the hairdressers all of you, im sure you'll have tim to get your nails done quick if you leave now. :lol:

Off you pop now, come on now :5bseeya::5bseeya::5bseeya:

by by now. :doh:

All that effort just to cope with a soft Discovery D2 :p
Loads of video's on you tube proving the ability of a Freelander oft road. If we Freelanderers wanted a betterer oft roader we'd need to buy a unimog. The bestist oft roader is a mountain goat.
............. More videos of discos or defenders!!!! Ain't saying gaylanders can't go offroad they just are the worst land rover
im a freelander owner as well, a td4 with the bmw engine and 177,000 miles on the clock

formally cutting my teeth in on the series 3s but personally found the steering and clutch very heavy and noisy above 50 mph, i then had a massive accident and wished to stay a loyal land rover owner as i wanted to buy something still capable of going off road and not getting stuck over grass or snow. but with any off roader there will always be a situation where u will get stuck

came across the freelander and after driving it found it a very comfortable easy car to drive and don't know why there called a hairdressers car or why other land rover owners of rangies, discos and fenders slag them off so much, even though the freelander when it came out had the most complicated electronic 4 wheel drive system

as with all cars they have there faults and the 1.8 litre engine didnt do them any favours but the bmw unit is very good and is a good all-rounder

ive on 3 x situations helped a stuck fender but stopped and helped , one of them told me he wouldn't want the embarrassment of getting pulled out by a freelander , so left him to it

i only thought the snobbery only came from the chelsea tractors , i admire the fenders, discos etc and also the new range rover and if i could would always stop and help where i could and in the same token hope the same would happen if i broke down or got stuck, they all have faults and the capabilities but know my wife doesn't think I'm gay nor a hairdresser,well i don't think she does, lolol

its great on off road events that all land rover owners stick together and always go up against the jap and american jeeps and theres never any separation in class issue there

land rover has gone from strength to strength , some hate the look of the new evoque but they cant make them quick enough

when i bought a landy i had the choice between the defender, disco and freelander, drove the disco and was only my personal choice that i wasn't keen on it, the fender was too heavy and turning circle wasn't very good, the freelander had abs, hdc, traction control etc and a very nice auto box

this was the first year i really went out with other land rover owners and to be honest nervous a bit because within the group was defenders , disco and range rovers and at first felt intimidated , however was able to keep up with them with no problems and went where they did, alas the freelander hasn't got as much ground clearance but kept up never the less

land rovers have moved on the program on help the heroes where they had 4 x wildcats and only one finished didn't do there image a lot of good

will be one day happy enough to buy a freelander 2 , but admit cant see the point of a 2 wd option, don't know what there thinking of there,

it would be boring if we all liked the same and it does seem range rover owners are the only ones who would drive past u if your broken down or stuck, but hope if it happened to me that fender, disco and freelanders can all help each other and respect each others choices in land rover

better shut up now otherwise im going to get stuck in the stocks for public stoning of other fender owners, lolol



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Hmmmm. Why's that? They get recognised every where I go now. They work well as advertising for my business, which I'm now so busy I can't keep on top of it, so they work! The disco works really hard. Take the freelander to a landy show and it pulls more crowds than any tricked up defender does or sheep carrier:D
im a freelander owner as well, a td4 with the bmw engine and 177,000 miles on the clock

formally cutting my teeth in on the series 3s but personally found the steering and clutch very heavy and noisy above 50 mph, i then had a massive accident and wished to stay a loyal land rover owner as i wanted to buy something still capable of going off road and not getting stuck over grass or snow. but with any off roader there will always be a situation where u will get stuck

came across the freelander and after driving it found it a very comfortable easy car to drive and don't know why there called a hairdressers car or why other land rover owners of rangies, discos and fenders slag them off so much, even though the freelander when it came out had the most complicated electronic 4 wheel drive system

as with all cars they have there faults and the 1.8 litre engine didnt do them any favours but the bmw unit is very good and is a good all-rounder

ive on 3 x situations helped a stuck fender but stopped and helped , one of them told me he wouldn't want the embarrassment of getting pulled out by a freelander , so left him to it

i only thought the snobbery only came from the chelsea tractors , i admire the fenders, discos etc and also the new range rover and if i could would always stop and help where i could and in the same token hope the same would happen if i broke down or got stuck, they all have faults and the capabilities but know my wife doesn't think I'm gay nor a hairdresser,well i don't think she does, lolol

its great on off road events that all land rover owners stick together and always go up against the jap and american jeeps and theres never any separation in class issue there

land rover has gone from strength to strength , some hate the look of the new evoque but they cant make them quick enough

when i bought a landy i had the choice between the defender, disco and freelander, drove the disco and was only my personal choice that i wasn't keen on it, the fender was too heavy and turning circle wasn't very good, the freelander had abs, hdc, traction control etc and a very nice auto box

this was the first year i really went out with other land rover owners and to be honest nervous a bit because within the group was defenders , disco and range rovers and at first felt intimidated , however was able to keep up with them with no problems and went where they did, alas the freelander hasn't got as much ground clearance but kept up never the less

land rovers have moved on the program on help the heroes where they had 4 x wildcats and only one finished didn't do there image a lot of good

will be one day happy enough to buy a freelander 2 , but admit cant see the point of a 2 wd option, don't know what there thinking of there,

it would be boring if we all liked the same and it does seem range rover owners are the only ones who would drive past u if your broken down or stuck, but hope if it happened to me that fender, disco and freelanders can all help each other and respect each others choices in land rover

better shut up now otherwise im going to get stuck in the stocks for public stoning of other fender owners, lolol


For the most part this is all forum banter. I'd stand up for any land rover owner over a slitty or yank tank. But to br recovered by a freelander? If I another option I'd take that! Haha also I get a kick when I ask a defender if they need to be recovered!

My Freelander is the bestist and has:

Leffer heated comfortable seats.
Comfortable suspension.
Enough power to accelerate 0 to 60mph in 10 seconds.
Brakes that actually work. 67 to 0mph in 4 seconds.
Space for 4 passengers to travel in comfort.
Air conditioning (proper air con - not a hole in the bulkhead)
A heater that works.
Smooth auto gearbox with optional sport mode and manual shift.
Headlights that actually light up the road ahead.
No rust.
A radio you can hear.
4 wheel drive.
Electronic traction control.
Hill Descent Control.
Electronic Brake force Distribution.
Boot space big enough to put in everything I need.
A diagnostic socket I can use to fault find it.
Electric windows and mirrors.
Roof bars so I can fit ma roof rack bars.
Go anywhere ability oft road.
Enough power to tow a caravan if I want to be a snail.
Can actually steer round corners and follow the road ahead.
Doesn't have any water leaks.
Looks smart and is presentable.
Doors that dun't fall oft.
Comfortable on long journeys.

Up yours tratterers. :p :bounce:

i got all that and more and dont get stuck or pay a stupid amount of road tax......

...and i got a tratter so #### off ....you have but only 1 that will fail...:p

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