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  1. Scooby22

    TD5 Defender Coolant Replacement

    They may have been a significant amount of coolant left in the block
  2. Scooby22

    Safety Wheel Nut - help needed

    You can buy the socket to fit it from a landrover main dealer, last time I bought one it was £10, once you get the nut off bin it and put an ordinary wheel nut on, I replaced all mine with ordinary nuts, obtained on ebay. Those security nuts are a nightmare, the grooves wear and you can't get...
  3. Scooby22

    Defender Td5 110 2002

    Is your battery fully charged, it needs to be to get a TD5 started especially in this cold weather, Also try resetting the inertia switch under the bonnet, mine tripped once and engine would not start, I pressed the reset button and it fired straight up.
  4. Scooby22

    Defender 110 CSW TD5 failed sniff test

    Did you check for leaks in the EGR cooler.
  5. Scooby22


    I had a similar intermittent loss of power, turned out to be the fuel pump, always started up ok and ran fine but power loss came intermittently when driving.
  6. Scooby22

    R380 Gear Selection Issue

    Have you checked the clutch fluid level, may need topping up and bleeding, I had the same issue when I discovered a small wet patch on the floor under the clutch pedal, level was low due to a small slow leak, topping it up and bleeding sorted 1st and reverse selection and I changed the master...
  7. Scooby22

    td5 engine power loss

    Have you accidently knocked it into low range.
  8. Scooby22

    TD5 piston rings

    Could you be losing compression via injector seals or poor valve seats or stem seals.
  9. Scooby22

    Clutch pedal travel suddenly changed - now bite point in last 2 inches towards floor

    Bleed the clutch slave cylinder. place a drip tray on floor under slave cylinder, then slacken off bleed nipple (just slacken it off do not open it) then put a piece of pipe on the bleed nipple that reaches up to the top of inner wing and into a container, remove the clutch fluid reservoir top...
  10. Scooby22

    How to correct bent door pillars

    Brute force and a heavy hammer looks to be the order of the day.
  11. Scooby22

    Warning Lights - AMR2628

    Unlike normal lamps LED lamps only work if fitted the correct way round, maybe it is a case of just turning to the correct polarity
  12. Scooby22

    Clutch problem unable to change gear

    First thing I would do is bleed the clutch slave cylinder and see if there is any improvement. Did that to mine the other day after difficulty changing gears and back to normal now. I bled it until all the fluid had been replaced.
  13. Scooby22

    Bikes & a 90????

    Bike racks on ebay
  14. Scooby22

    Funny smell when starting

    Has your Cat been removed, I replaced mine after getting really smelly exhaust and its now sweet as a nut again. I also replaced the EGR, removing it made no difference to economy or performance.
  15. Scooby22

    300TDI, clutch slave cyl, pushrod. dimensions

    This is interesting re slave cylinder push rods. Also gives sizes.
  16. Scooby22

    2.25 petrol rough idle

    Did you renew the spark plugs,
  17. Scooby22

    2.25 petrol rough idle

    Many years ago on an old car I had the same symptoms and rough idle cutting out but started up when cold, eventually not start at all, it turned out to be the coil.
  18. Scooby22

    Central locking on passenger door

    Its nearly always the passenger side actuator that stops working, usually in winter especially if the car is not being used as much, a good squirt of WD40 usually frees it off. I had to do this every winter, but I now preempt the situation and give it a good squirt before winter sets in. I also...
  19. Scooby22

    TD5 clutch fitting price

    Considering the time it takes to remove the gearbox and refit with new clutch I think the price is not unreasonable at all.
  20. Scooby22

    Replacing thermostat

    The TD5 thermostat is not fixed to the engine block it is a Y piece unit in the radiator hoses, remove the radiator cowl for access and three jubilee clips the change the thermostat, easy job, even easier if fan removed but doable without. Special tools required to remove fan. Make sure you use...