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  1. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    In the latest of the saga of my car trying to kill itself and possibly me with it, the driver's side washer turret decided it was too good to push fluid to the windscreen this morning. Took some convincing with a needle and a bit of pressure to get the nozzles to open up again. Reattached, job...
  2. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Parked(?) it
  3. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Happy new year
  4. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    LR is just a wind up brand isn't it There's no way they actually sell loads of these things
  5. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Off to collect it from the gearbox place We originally ventured it might be a driveshaft or the bearing where the driveshaft meets the differential. Having bought another shaft and checked the bearing, it appears to be neither. So my hopes of a cheaper end repair have been dashed. There's...
  6. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I thought maybe one of those until I measured voltage at those thin strip contacts that actually connect to the glass. If I'm getting a reading there, then it can't be either of those? Or is there something else going on
  7. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    The vehicle has both, but the rear one works and works well. All clear across the elements in about 2 minutes. It's the front one that's not kicking in. If I switch it and the rear on at the same time, the rear clears while the front doesn't. The front will turn off long before the rear does...
  8. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Put it all back together just now and it's reading correctly, 484 miles to empty. What
  9. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Not sure what to think, blower was making a racket all week on high except on Friday when it suddenly stopped doing that. No sign of obstruction now I've had the trim off Also been convinced that the heated screen wasn't working, just been over all the connections with a multimeter and getting...
  10. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    I have never done this job before, so this might get exciting. And it's raining. Still, to see me through trying times they sent me a helping OLD OWT YER AAND
  11. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    We have a dashcam
  12. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    A couple more attempts with the USB port tonight. NTFS would not let the USB itself be recognised at all, so I think that's out. Format NTFS FAT32/MP4 - Default Allocation FAT32/MKV - Default Allocation FAT32/MP4 - 16 kilobytes FAT32/MKV - 16 Kilobytes "Please insert device" "Device...
  13. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    We've been to the car wash. That's not the primary purpose of the visit though. Now I can see that water is coming into the boot from high on the door card. It does look nice all cleaned up, but time to get shopping for a new high level brake light, I think
  14. Bounty

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Bluetooth Module

    I think I may need to take a video because mine 100% does that and the next/prev controls on the steering wheel work with it. Shows the track "Now playing" too? Maybe it's a 2012+ thing, I haven't done any witchcraft to make it happen. From the moment I paired with BT it's been able to use...
  15. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Now that I'm fully committed to the FL2 I'm exploring some of the items inside. Today I've been looking at the USB port. I took a spare I had around, empty, and put some MP4 files on it. It then said it failed to read device. Brought it back to my PC which called me FAT. So a few options to...
  16. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Said goodbye to it. The 1, that was. It's now gone on to someone new
  17. Bounty

    Freelander 1 Freelander EV

    I wonder how far away an instrument pack read/writer is from this
  18. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Freelander 1 Being that it's up for sale I decided I'd be responsible and try it before it goes away with someone. It rewarded me by binding the calipers and broke the pipe. Today, it got a new pipe and a fresh caliper. Nice brakes! Ready to go ...again. Freelander 2 Having now retrieved it...
  19. Bounty

    Hi from Runcorn

    I can, Ian Barclays - Rock Ferry. No contest.
  20. Bounty

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    LR were kind enough to retrieve the keys to the FL1 for me when I've left them in the FL2 (Still getting repaired) So I tried it, dead vehicle. Battery out after I pulled hard on the clamp that seemed stuck in place - using the battery itself. Recharged overnight. Battery back in, starts up...