Worth mentioning, dont drive any amount of distance in 4wd or low range on a grippy surface (tarmac), or do any manovering either, you will increase wear on the transmission and its not unkown to twist off half shafts
On a series there is no centre diff, when you are out of 4wd and in high range you are only in rear wheel drive, when you engage 4wd or put it in low range your go into 4wd but the front and rear prop are locked together, like a locked centre diff
Even 99p a set chinese taps are not softer than your steel chassis, 'It has now been cleaned out properly', well clearly not if an M10 bolt is still tight, I therefore maintain my previous wish that somebody else did this for you
Should someone be fitting a towbar if they are not compentant enough to wind correct threads into holes without resulting in them going so tight they shear off
This a safety critcical item, somebody messing with such areas of a motor vehicle should be completely confident before they attempt to...
Yeah but it's not just the power, it's how it will tow, I'm sure a LC will handle better and probably stop and not tend to tram line and wonder like an old 110 would
Aren't the studs on the mounts the the runbers that you have undone at an angle each side? You might be better off doing these back up if you're hoping the mount will slide past the block, if the sump sticks out 40 or 50 thou it will soon all go tight and not let it come free
Good luck finding one to do the job with the spare on the bonnet, and somewhere to mount it given the mechanical disadvantage you'll have against all that weight
Standard turbo, no boost pin, pump adjusted in certain areas, timing ring fitted and adjusted, EGT creeps to 700c pre turbo on really long steep hill, normal hills it keeps pulling over 80
Is 30mm going to make enough difference to be worth the extra strain, remembering you'll be adding on the 30mm in the direction the wheel is pointing, so might only gain 10-15mm