Bloody fantastic Saturday. Nigh on stacking me disco then tugging a gaylanderer out. Then to top it off winning my own bloody coolant in the last draw of the raffle
Can't even give it away. Peeps wuz dancing round the unloved gallon like a handbag. It's still keeping a lonely vigil in the...
I cheated and bought some pretend wood in Aldi's - SWMBO was paying as she was griping about the possibility of the kids not scavenging enough lumps o' log from the woods!!
I think its sawdust pressed together into slugs. My old fella has 3 pallets that he wants shot of so - over there...
Still in work :(
BUT - I have laminmanated my routes mappage. If the powers that be want to borrow it for displayage this evening/tomorrow morning that is OK. But obvs I'll need to steal me own stuff back for actually driving the route tomorrow.
My only gripe and this is down to me being a...
I do that.... oh hang on I'm the parent. Who do I hand mine to?
Oh yeah, the wife!
I call it independent living or fun, she just hits the roof in despair!
Heart attack cake is simply a large packet of double choc cookies, masses of crushed maltesers, multipack of Mars, condensed milk, butter, chocolate and more maltesers.
Chocolatey enough for any woman. Most only manage one small square.
I hereby donate a couple of gallons (or thereabouts) of Prestone coolant. Not very exciting I know, but it might be useful for the winner if they do their own servicing.
You watch now... Rosie will have a fender full of limes!
Just got to hit the Scout hut for the shelter for kids cinema.
Oh and clear all the crap outta drover and load up. Then pickup whatsischopsis sills from Caldicot. Then we can begin the trek.
Drover will be GoPro equipped - don't know yet if it'll be roof, bonnet, side mounted... but it'll have constant power feed thanks huge battery packs coupled to a 5m USB extension lead and a heavily butchered case wrapped in finest Chinese silicone.
Also have LED light bar for it should night...
I just saved it to my desktop and launched the software I was going to use. Then into file menu. Import. Find the file and open it. Also opened it using gpx viewer on my phone but that uses intynet over phone.
See, I was just about to suggest that you trailer it down to LZ11 so us scavengers could pick its bones clean and you goes and changes yer mind - shellfish.
Good luck in yer endeavours to flip it to a manuel!
FL - you can just suffice wiv a pint ;)
You too are indeed a legend.
I do love the LZ lets get it sorted mentality. I'm hopefully picking up some sills for an 88 for another LZer and then passing them along to a different LZer for up countrying.