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  1. P

    need rr p38 manual HELP!!!

    Have a look at green-oval , I belive you will find what you are seeking there, The Green Oval - Home Andy
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    Think i might need a new battery

    I agree with Rodent, I was quoted 175-300 for a new battery for my TD6, in the end I got one from Land Rover at 85+vat. Its been fine ever since.
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    EAS Faults...Again!

    Would need a little more information but a possibility is a faulty height sensor, the front ones are prone to water ingress. Andy
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    Just wanted to say hello and get some advice

    Hi, you seem to have covered the main bases, the other major thing to look out for on these is to check for early signs of water leak, oil filler cap off, engine running, look for whisps of steam and or/discoloration around the cap. also the hevac system and a sign of water ingress under the...
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    P38 Air Suspension Pump

    Yes that is the hard part, below is the way I do it, you do need a good quality allen key set. Andy
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    P38 Air Suspension Pump

    Hi Len, I could do it for you but I don't normally do repair work myself. let me know how you get on and give me a call, I have emailed you my phone number. Andy
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    P38 Air Suspension Pump

    Hi, it could be the compressor but it may be a leak somewhere else, take the inlet filter off the pump and see if it is sucking, it may be the seal has worn out, also you could check if leaks are elsewhere on the system by using good old fairy liquid ( not near any electrics though!) if you are...
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    rear sits on bump stop front ok p38

    Hi, you can extend the line by buying a bit of 6mm and a connector, that may do the trick for you. Regards, Andy
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    EAS fault

    Hi BK741, If you are close to Oxfordshire give me a shout and I will pop my computer on it for you. Regards, Andy
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    New Grill Pics & EAS Problem

    Hi David, it is located on the R/H side of the engine bay when looked at from the front, it is in a black plastic box the size of a shoe box. Good luck, Andy
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    Air Suspension Problem

    Hi Cumberland, are you still having problems?, have a look at my site, I may have something there to sort you out. Andy
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    p38 Suspension problem

    Hi, the pump does cut in and out normally, although if it is doing it over a short time period then the compressor seal may be on its way out, take the filter off and see if it is sucking ok. Andy
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    P38 EAS Fault (soft) Pump not running!

    Hi, if you can get down to me in Oxfordshire I can put my computer on it for you - gratis. Regards, Andy
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    P38 Air Suspension Pump

    Thanks for the plug Mike, I do sell the seals and the full kit on the web and ebay, the seal is good as long as you have not got too much damage to the cly wall, full kits are on there way and will be avalible at the beg of Feb, my advice is to dismantle the pump and have a look at the piston...
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    defective suspention pump

    Hi, if you take the inlet filter off you can feel if the pump is sucking in air ok, if it is but not when you have the filter on it may be blocked with dust, even more so in your part of the world, if its not sucking in air it could be the teflon seal gone, this is the most common fault...
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    New Grill Pics & EAS Problem

    Hi Ratbag, I had a fault like that a few years ago in Birmingham, it turned out to be a height sensor out of normal operating range. You may also try cleaning out any dust etc in and around the valve block. Regards, Andy
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    HELP. Bought p38 2 Days ago, TODAY its sitting in garage! Any advice

    Hi Duggie, I had quite a lot of experience in these problems, normally associated with 4.6 slipped liner on pot no 7, but............sometimes these things are tohught of as a lost cause when the solution can be quite inexpensive, try changing your expansion cap, new ones are only about £15.00...
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    Eas Fault

    Hi, Matt is correct, there is a known issue with height sensors and water ingress, if you take them off but do not disconnect, you may be able dry them out. If you disconnect you will need a re-height calibration performed. Andy