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  1. Stuart hall

    Circlip or spring clip or snap ring RESOLVED

    Special cerclip pliers are needed, they make internal, external ones. Screwdriver is a bodge job !
  2. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Keep expecting your posts to say It's alive ! As said personally I'd buy a new belt, start from scratch, check timing,least you know that's definitely not the issue. Is there not little belts that drive the pump ? Timing could have slipped and snapped that one. Don't know enough to be of more...
  3. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Not sure re relay, are they protected by a fuse ? Still think you should change belt and check timing first. What if it fired up, snapped the belt ? Bye bye landy ! The knowledgeable one's will know but I don't think you need plugs above a certain temp ? It would at least cough especially with...
  4. Stuart hall

    Is it the turbo

    Unlikely, just too much diesel being injected in. With that mileage your probably looking at replacement new or recon set to balance engine.
  5. Stuart hall

    Freelander 02 alarm problem??

    Hi, I'm far from an expert but it could be the car battery is on it's way out or has expired ? Mine beeps once if say I push the key fob by accident when a door/tailgate isn't shut properly. I'd personally try to recharge or test battery first. I often leave mine for weeks without use and it...
  6. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Hi Kev, can you see photo of belt ? Doesn't look right to me ,?
  7. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Just noticed re your photos of timing belt, is there a chunk missing on the left hand side of the pulley ? Could be as you said it's jumped a few teeth. What you think guys ? Belt looks paper thin to me and I'd personally change it. I've just enlarged your photo and you can clearly see the...
  8. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Don't panic yet ! Very simple basic engine, should be good for 200000 miles. Set up/check timing, attach good battery, give a squirt of easy/ brake cleaner she should at least cough/splutter. If she does you know its a fuel delivery problem. The worst way if a lemon which I doubt, will easily...
  9. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Injector cleaner for petrol engines

    Worked in my diesel which wouldn't rev passed 2500 rpm without missing. Think here it was a good old fashioned brand like STP diesel injector cleaner, chucked two bottles in a quarter tank and it runs beautifully now. I agree re fuel, always buy the best you can, it does contain additives that...
  10. Stuart hall

    Not heard of this before

    Wow bargain G, could you pay for it for me, arrange the shipping and I'll pay the delivery guy my end !
  11. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Yes mine illustrates even after a long run if I stop then immediately restart. However as it rarely drops below 20 deg during the day here I don't think I need them here as often start phoebe from cold without waiting for the light to extinguish. I literally put in key and she fires on first crank.
  12. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Yes on mine, perhaps your glow plugs aren't heating the fuel ?
  13. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Great looks like your well on the way to bringing her back to life. I agree would make sure timings spot on before you attempt starting just in case. Might be worth your while to replace the belt while your there, just for peace of mind. Have you considered if it was used on a farm etc it might...
  14. Stuart hall

    Surging Revs / Hunting

    I still don't see how your Alcoholic Anonymous card gets you discount on fuel lol.
  15. Stuart hall

    Surging Revs / Hunting

    See how much I take notice, thought you had an expensive lander not a disco or are you one of those polluting two car families ? You could tell them it's only 2wd now and so kinder to the sheep ! Surely if they just taxed the fuel, those who do more miles would pay more or would that put too...
  16. Stuart hall

    Surging Revs / Hunting

    Lol doubt it's my heart rate Gerald ! Mind you I nearly needed some new undercrackers and a seat cover when a tourist pulled out in front of me ( couldn't throw the anchor out in time ) Think your regs are very complicated, but think we're the lucky ones, last time I looked derv was £123 ish per...
  17. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Looks good to me, did message you but god knows where it went lol. EC Parts have another ! Sale on and a new battery is £51 delivered. Mine car was completely free but as we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch lol .£££££
  18. Stuart hall

    Non start 2.0 DI

    Hope you get it sorted, has it any MOT left ? And on a more personal level was it a cheap bargain !
  19. Stuart hall

    Surging Revs / Hunting

    An old thread but may get some response, My old girl is running very well but noticed yesterday on drive home a slight hunting/ surging if that's the correct term when stationary. The revs rise and fall by about 100 rpm in a regular pulse every second or so. Is this something to worry about ...
  20. Stuart hall

    Freelander 1 Steering still mush

    " I know it's a joke, so called safety check lol. Obviously something is seriously worn. Itse just like driving my 70 s Buick with a seriously worn steering box ! I guess my balljoints are shot ? Tyres very evenly worn though First job oil n filters and mounts !