1. B

    New member and I got in at last!

    im finfing this site mind numbing, there must be better sites you can talk land rover ?????????:mad::mad::mad:
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    New member and I got in at last!

    its gone a bit tits up in here?
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    New member and I got in at last!

    My name is glyn im a yorkshire man whom lives in Malta for the last 17 years.2 kids maltese wife and 1 hell of a mean landy. hi to who`s interested.
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    new member

    hi im new to this forum also getting a bit lost on how it works?
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    Ok Guys , I have a S3 with a 6.2ltr v8 lump , my next trick is to fit it with super swampers dose anyone know anything about these tyres?
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    ah im getting there now to many beers today
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    ahaaaaaaaaaaaa how dose 1 chat?
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    What GPS Ha HA lol
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    how dose this forum work? i need a GPS to follow this?
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    hi guys nice to find a land rover forum that works
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    how the hell dose this forum work?

    how the hell dose this forum work?
  12. B


    Hi all i was wondering if anyone has super swamper tyres and if thay are all thay are cracked up to be
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    hi i just joined how do i join chat ?