1. C

    Help! Cant find this part anywhere!

    Hi wonder could anyone point me in the right direction to getting this part, or even get its name or part number! http://www.landroverexpedition.com/wp-content/uploads/Imgp1736.jpg It is a courtesy light striker plate/wiring loom bracket I have searched the web as well as endless...
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    Locating part

    Hi dippypud Thanks for the reply, they are certainly cheaper for both than LR charge for one!!!! My only problem is that I live in Northern Ireland, and don't want to buy a set for the sake of a small piece of rubber (but it looks like I might have to!) Thanks for taking the time to get us...
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    Locating part

    eBay the part to death, with no joy!
  4. C

    Locating part

    Hi all I have some how, unbeknown to be me lost one of my side step rubbers, which I cannot seem to place The steps are genuine landrover, but they don't sell the rubbers ends as a pack and said I need a new side step if I wanted the rubber! Just wondering if anyone could help at all...
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    1999 defender 90 300tdi exhaust

    Thanks Litch & Schultz for your help!!
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    1999 defender 90 300tdi exhaust

    Hi All This is my first post as a first time defender owner and I would appreciate any help coming my way! My problem is that the defender I have purchased, sounds like a tractor due to it having a straight through exhaust. I am looking to put a back box silencer/tailpipe on to kill this...