1. turrican

    Bulkhead swap 300TDi Defender

    I had similar issue with battery light on mine. There is a thin Wire in the dash that runs from the centre (behind stereo) to behind the instrument cluster that got cut. When i re joined the Wire the battery light went out. (I think the Wire was white but i can't be 100%)
  2. turrican

    Bulkhead swap 300TDi Defender

    Have you thought about galvanizing your new bulkhead before fitting?
  3. turrican

    Where to buy an old land rover

    I sold mine via eBay beginning of this year, had a lot of watchers and a couple of bids but only one person actually wanted to come and look at it. Sold for 9.5k. 200tdi, galvanized chassis and bulkhead. Fair price in my eyes, there are a lot of dreamers who want that kind of money for a shed.
  4. turrican

    How tall are you driving a defender?

    6"3 no problems, though have fitted rx8 seats, riser rails, bulkhead removal and smaller steering wheel
  5. turrican

    Wedding duty

    Don't forget to clean the seatbelts just in case they're used.
  6. turrican

    help with filling holes in body

    I would put some epoxy aluminium metal filler in the windscreen holes. Something like this Quiksteel 16402 Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy Putty, 2 OZ https://amzn.eu/d/51etq7k
  7. turrican

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    Also try removing the bulb and refitting it the other way. (Turning it)
  8. turrican

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    Does the new bulb flash with the hazards turned on?
  9. turrican

    Rear hub seal ?

    Item 13 I think
  10. turrican

    Defender 200Tdi - silicone coolant hoses placement

    They look like they could be the hoses that go to the heater. (Difficult to tell the length/size of the hoses from the picture)
  11. turrican

    Door latching pillar cracked

    I riveted 2 bits of aluminium either side. It doesn't look pretty but should look better once painted.
  12. turrican

    90 Full Re-Spray

    I painted mine when it was rebuilt, i found putting the body panels on the landy quite tricky by myself and would have loads of scratches on the new paint if I had painted beforehand. ☹️
  13. turrican

    LED indicators on an old 110?

    I bought one of these which solved my problem https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/232280619868?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gnvCGhCvRzm&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=YacVFi7-Quy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. turrican

    Gwen lewis mud shields

    i made my own as well. Used old mud flaps on the front, attached between inner wing and footwell, and zip tied the bottom to the outrigger. This has done well protecting the footwells. For the rear i bought a 2mm HDPE plastic sheet, one part covers the crossmember, the other part covers the...
  15. turrican


    I maybe wrong but I think classic cars are exempt from ulez, you just need to hold onto it til it's 40 years old.
  16. turrican

    Rubber seal rear quarter windows

    I can confirm that after fitting the locking/finishing trim on the inside of the seal it has smoothed out the corners on the outside.
  17. turrican

    Rubber seal rear quarter windows

    I'm in the process of changing the rubber seals on the rear quarter windows but I've found that the corners aren't sitting flush. Anybody know how to stop this from happening? (I've not applied the locking/finishing trim on the inside yet)
  18. turrican

    Rear hub outer seal question

    Thanks for all your help. The outer seal was wrong way round. Fitted new seal correct way and all looks good
  19. turrican

    Rear hub outer seal question

    Do you mean the side with the spring on oil side?
  20. turrican

    Opinions wanted on paint colour

    But in the winter that's a bonus