1. R

    Shes finally arrived!

    Its not going well is it!
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    Shes finally arrived!

    Tester - trying to upload a pic (a rubbish one as its wedged up against the garage door trying to stop the front lights getting half inched!)
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    Shes finally arrived!

    Ill try and get some on - its a bit beyond me!
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    Shes finally arrived!

    Well, after a bit of a wait to get some new door lock motors fitted, I finally picked her up yesterday! I have been lurking around the Discovery forum for a few months now trying to pick up advice. Last week, i put a deposit down on one. Shes a black '04 plate TD5 persuit with 116k on the...
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    Disco 2 chirpy blower motor fix

    Good 'how to' for what can be a very annoying little problem!
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Yes im going to park it tight up to the garage door but i need some sort of protectors for when its out and about - the ones i have seen look a bit flimsy though.
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Yeah I might just do that boomer. My main worry is keeping the front lights in - there has been a spate of thefts around our way recently:confused:. Anyone any thoughts?
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Thats what I was hoping. Would have liked leather to wipe all the kids grime off but nevermind! The cloth interior in this particllar one is in really good nick and looks well.
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Thats the plan! Thanks for the positive comments. I know £6k is strong money for what is now quite an old motor but as you chaps probably know, I could have paid a hell of a lot more! It appears to have been well looked after, although appearances can be deceptive! But there are lots of bills...
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Its an '04 Persuit. Black. 116k. 2 sets of wheels (one with winters on). Drives really well and does everything i think it should. Rear chassis looked good - i had a good poke around following your advice :). £6k:eek:
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Iv put a deposit down! Hopefully collecting Monday so ill get some pics up in the introduce yourself section then.
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Thanks Boomer Off to look at another today!
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    D2 early or facelift?

    Im now on the hunt myself as i have 'freed up' the funds i needed. I asked the question regarding pointers and buying tips and the rear chassis corrosion issue came up. Could anyone clarify this a bit more for me? I had a brief look around one the other day and had a look underneath the...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Buyers Guide/pointers?

    Gav I know you werent 'poo pooing' the other lads - and i wasnt trying to either - never would. Sorry to anyone if it came across that way - again, thats the problem with typing and not being able to talk face to face i guess. But lets not get into all that - I am very grateful for the...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Buyers Guide/pointers?

    Thanks for the positive response Gav and the kind offer of assistance! I have actually seen a nice looking one around the Sheffield area. I once drove one of my mates p.38 autos and it went very well. My personal preference is a manual box but thats just me. I did drive one of his p.38's (he's...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Buyers Guide/pointers?

    Thanks for both of your replies chaps. Very useful.:) Point taken re. cheaper/more practical cars out there but snow has featured heavily on the moan list this winter which has been a factor. Also the high driving position is one in the plus column as well as 7 seats. I have a couple of...
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    Disco 2 TD5 Buyers Guide/pointers?

    Hi Guys Im looking at buying a disco 2 TD5 manual within the next few months (all being well) and i was just wondering if there was anything major/costly/obvious i should know to look out for? I want it to be safe as its mainly for my wife to transport the kids around in. I hope i can get as...