1. laceysdad

    How much have you spent on your disco since you have owned it?

    Ha ha neilly that's true! I couldn't believe it when it wouldn't open when I picked my daughter up! I must of jinxed it when i told the mot tester I was glad it had a clean bill of health. Gonna keep my trap shut at next year's test
  2. laceysdad

    door problem

    Hi guys no I haven't tried that but will give it a go tomorrow. Thanks for the top. Paul
  3. laceysdad

    How much have you spent on your disco since you have owned it?

    I've spent tooooo much! I've had it about six weeks and I'm upto around £600 just in repairs. Passed it's mot today though with no advisories so I'm well chuffed. Paul
  4. laceysdad

    door problem

    Cheers neilly, I have downloaded rave but haven't managed to open it on the computer yet. I will do some investigations tomorrow and let you know how I get on. Cheers Paul
  5. laceysdad

    door problem

    No the tab doesn't pop up, I've tried pulling it up but it just drops straight back down. I'm thinking I'm going to have to take the door card of but looks kind of tricky with the door closed
  6. laceysdad

    door problem

    No but funny you should mention it I turned the child lock off a few days before the problem started
  7. laceysdad

    door problem

    Hi neilly, Yeah I've tried that but it's not playing ball. The other side does though. Paul
  8. laceysdad

    door problem

    Evening all, The nears side rear door on my disco td5 won't unlock or open. I have been led to believe the door actuator has failed. Anyone any ideas on the best way to get it open? Thanks Paul
  9. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    Evening all, Regulator is now fitted took about 3 1/2 hours. Not a job I would want to do again though it's too fiddly and made me swear a lot thanks too all for your words of wisdom Paul
  10. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    Rave workshop manual downloading now. I'm going to have a look through my documents to see if I have the EKA code of not then a trip to the dealers is on the cards tomorrow.
  11. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    I haven't downloaded the rave workshop manual yet, I'm going to log onto my computer now and have a look. Where would I find the EKA code? Thanks Paul
  12. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    Cheers guys I will let you know how I get on and share the experience with you! Paul
  13. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    Cheers neilly, That's going to be a great help thanks for sending it me. Being patient and methodical is probably going to be my best approach
  14. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    Hi neilly, Thanks for the reply it looks an excellent write up with clear instructions. I'm going to do it in the garage at work and cover the fuel lines when I take them off. How long roughly should it take to do? Paul
  15. laceysdad

    td5 fuel pressure regulator

    Evening all, I'm going to attempt to change my fuel pressure regulator tomorrow night. Anyone got any useful hints or tips? Looks awkward to do but gonna give it a go. Paul
  16. laceysdad


    Hi neilly thanks for the reply. I do know a chap who is a landy specialist has all the equipment for diagnostics etc. He had it on the ramp the day after I bought it laughed his pants off, told me everything that was wrong with it then said it wasn't a bad un! will sort some piccies tomorrow
  17. laceysdad


    Hi everyone, I'm Paul just bought my first Land Rover, it's a Discovery td5 on a 03 plate. So far I'm really impressed with it, got a few little jobs to do on it so maybe looking for some words of wisdom from some of you guys soon!