1. L

    ACE and PS (again)

    How difficult is it to replace the pipework for the PS and the ACE? Does it involve removing a lot of plastic and other components? I'm after things to look out for as I suspect the Haynes doesn't cover removal of 25 year old components. You experiences appreciated!
  2. L


    Was that drilled out with just one spot weld drill bit or a box load? Hadn't thought of welding it up like that. Can't see why it wouldn't be ok. Also can you cold chisle the welds out? Thats how i've done it before (on a lorry).
  3. L

    What do these do!?

    I've seen a similar switch mount on a mint s3. Can't remember if the switches were the same but until someone told me the mount was original i wondered if it was as well. The s3 i saw them on had defo not been messed with.
  4. L


    I have decided to take both wings off, pedals out etc. When you weld in the new footwells do you weld inside along the seams and outside?
  5. L


    Hello again all. Thanks for all the replys! I was going to take the wings off myself. The passengers side alloy floor is already out. As i said, the bulkhead is solid, it's just the footwells that have rot and the bottom of the a pillar on the driver's side that needs a patch. I am in Kent (at...
  6. L


    Hello, Anyone make any suggestions on replacing the footwells on a series 3. Both are rot, but the rest is pretty solid. Nothing i can't do myself. The way i see it i've got three options: 1. Pay a garage to do it. They'll probably monkey it up tho. 2. Pay a specialist to do it. Who may or...