1. L

    Help Needed

    How do I do that :monitor_punch:
  2. L

    Help Needed

    I have a really nice picture for you, what's your email address? But i'll only send if you send me one ;)
  3. L

    Help Needed

    I'll look in my private stash for you sunshine :lvlove-160:
  4. L

    Help Needed

    I got them from an online service called Shutterstock, I didn't want mr policeman/woman knocking on my door.
  5. L

    Help Needed

    Yes, where did it state otherwise? All I did was show a friends LR.
  6. L

    Help Needed

    Haha! I don't know whether to take some of you seriously or whether it was in jest. Last time I checked, I was a woman!! Trax - what content is copyright? At the moment it's a huge resource, mainly of club name and link to club. Now this is a beast of a land rover, a very close friend...
  7. L

    Help Needed

    Definitely Uncle Albert.
  8. L

    Help Needed

    Nope, I can see why you say that though.
  9. L

    Hello from Brian in S.Wales

    Hey Brian! Welcome to the forum. Lisa x
  10. L

    Help Needed

    Yes we - myself and a friend. He helps me write the news on the site, if I did it all, I think I would go insane. :)
  11. L

    Help Needed

    Hi, Thanks for asking. No, we are not connected in anyway to the events. At the moment, the content that I have put on the site is only very basic and it is in need of expansion, but as the site grows then more clubs, societies and events will be listed. For instance I am working on...
  12. L

    Help Needed

    Maybe I jump the gun a bit and get defensive - I take things to heart quite easily. The site will be kept as up to date as possible - that is my aim and I will do this. I have dug a bit deeper and thanks to all your help I have found more clubs, in which I will add this afternoon.
  13. L

    Help Needed

    It wasn't shop made? If it was, It would be so much better!
  14. L

    Help Needed

    1 - It's not spam, it was a genuine question to help enthusiasts. 2 - The 'other site' hasn't been updated since 2011 and is visually appalling. 3 - Who is James? If you mean the TV chef, then I can only dream. He is hot.
  15. L

    Help Needed

    Can you let me know which clubs are missing and then we can add them to site? I'm honestly very confused as to why you think it would be spam?
  16. L

    Help Needed

    Hi defender300td1, which ones and i'll add them to site.
  17. L

    Help Needed

    Sorry, I don't understand why you would think it is spam? I'm just trying to help the Land Rover community to find resources of what is going on in different areas of the world and if you wanted to join a club or society where they could find the local one. If anybody can help, I genuinely...
  18. L

    Help Needed

    Anywhere in the world :)
  19. L

    Help Needed

    Good Morning, I'm wondering if you can all help me? As a Land Rover enthusiast, I thought it would be a nice touch to put all the clubs, societies and associations together into one website, so the Land Rover community could easily find information. The help that I need is if i'm...