1. I

    D2 Discovery loss of throttle

    Ok thank you just confirming looks like it's as you suggested ecu is fubar
  2. I

    D2 Discovery loss of throttle

    Thanks have Same part numbers on both pedals is the ecu meant to be outputting 5volts on pin 14,is it generated by the ecu
  3. I

    D2 Discovery loss of throttle

    hi Can I pick your brains please,the fault that I have is no throttle except tick over,it just happened no previous concerns.i have changed the throttle pedal complete with potentiometer and connected to nanocom comes up with driver errors have checked all connections at ecu,header and...
  4. I

    Power steering gets very heavy when driven through water

    Hi im new to this site, i have a 94 300 tdi which has developed a funny problem, when driven through water on passenger side the steering gets very heavy for a while , thought it might be a worn belt changed that but still does it, does anyone have any ideas