1. D

    Worth Fixing

    OK OK i should have listened and not got a freelander now the head gasket has gone and i dont know whether to a)fix b)scrap Taking into account im a girl thats usless at mechanical things.... or anyone want to sell me another 4x4 ~lol~ SO fed up i think im cursed when it comes to cars
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    thanxs SV
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    i meant the drivers door :-) i thought it was a bit weird it would only open the other doors .... bit of a headache tbh
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    it does seem to be a thrown to the walls reception over here :-)
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    are you lot a bunch of cynics too? anyways quick question and i am aware i may have missed this in my forum browsing, the central locking blip thing on the key fob doesn't unlock the main door? is this usual or can i fix third,as tbh when i have my arms fill of stuff and need to open the...
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    Thanxs Paul!
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    well I was excited but i have decided you lot are all miserable old buggers and i am a eternal optimist and stuff so i shall ignore all your cynicism and put it all down to you not getting enough or something :-D so ner.. in other news apart from Aggie (YES I BLOODY WELL NAMED HER ) going...
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    ~sticks fingers in ears~ LALALLLLLAAAA LA LA LA
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    sprawl suggestively? not bloody likely in this weather i would literally freeze my t*ts off!!!! 0.o
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    you sure i wouldn't want to defile the internet with pictures of my c**p car :p
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    actually for once i didn't do ANY at all :-( my 4x4 of choice tbh was my old 1990 Landcruiser 4.2 Turbo - i loved that car so much and when her gear box (automatic , she wasn't perfect i am not a automatic kind of girl) went and i was in the middle of moving and in a mad moment sold her has been...
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    Thanxs Sue!
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    Well arn't you all just rays of sunshine.... i got her mainly as I liked the way she drove, although my mechanically minded friends did try and dissuade ~lol~ but I'm stubborn cow when my mind is made up. Yeah she was dead cheap but tbh as she is pretty much a mobile tack room and used to...
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    right i get the feeling that the freelander isnt a great option? anyone want to enlighten me?
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    New owner and somewhat excited

    Hello! I've just become the proud owner of 2001 Freelander 1.8s Petrol, she is my first Landrover and I am smitten! I used to have a 1990 Landcruiser but she died a death and as i needed a 4x4 as i have horses i made the HUGE mistake of getting a Vauxhall Frontera and I hated it...