1. L

    Advice on making 80' coil sprung trialer

    hey KillaJoules yeah its all sorted, bent straightened broken fixed and got some nice paint scuffs now. Been bitten by the builders bug again and kinda of want to build something else now :D :D
  2. L

    Advice on making 80' coil sprung trialer

    trying to sell Ed's old racer jai ?
  3. L

    Advice on making 80' coil sprung trialer

    where abouts are you based http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/members/hughie20.html I run a 200(ish) tdi 80, had to go for the defender short r380 as the disco one was too long as I wanted the "notched" front of a series. As an idea you don't really want to go much shorter than a 12" rear prop...
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    Advice on making 80' coil sprung trialer

    Huge where about's are you based..??? Im tring based (HP23) so about 10 miles from jai_landrover I run a 2/300 tdi 80 manual my self, (ill chuck photos up at some point) I had to go for a defender box so I could shunt the engine back as I wanted the series 1 "notched" front, I have seen...