1. S

    Bleeding question

    Thanks - still in bits atm due to snow but thanks for the tips and a belated Happy New Yearxx
  2. S

    Bleeding question

    Secretary here - we took the gearbox out and the clutch fork had a hole in it.
  3. S

    Bleeding question

    Just completed last experiment which has confirmed that you are right and it will need a new clutch - job for 2 blokes (not a lady and a man), going to start ringing round for assistance plus bits - will keep you posted on result.
  4. S

    Bleeding question

    Of course...I don't know many blokes that wear jodhpurs and wellies do you? Best outfit for hanging about muddy discos with angry bloke trying to fix it lol x
  5. S

    Bleeding question

    A big job for a bloke on his own...tks for tip about spigot bush. Bloody tax was due on it New Year too!
  6. S

    Bleeding question

    We think it's the release bearing collapsed - I can hear the pessure plate moving when bleeding its pressed down.
  7. S

    Bleeding question

    haha - jodhpurs and muddy wellies normally!:):):)
  8. S

    Bleeding question

    Yes we can get it in gear when it is not running (ps I m not the mechanic but just the typist)!
  9. S

    Bleeding question

    Yeah we had gears they were getting a bit crunchy and the fluid needed topping up so did that first, then topped it up again, so I changed the cylinders and actually drove it for bit then it went crunchy again now it won't go in gear at all!
  10. S

    Bleeding question

    BTW left it with pedal down overnight still no different.
  11. S

    Bleeding question

    Bled master cylinder first, then the slave cylinder, pumped through clear, no air, about 1/4 pint without air. What does the compensator do?
  12. S

    Bleeding question

    Hi This is my 2nd post, posted earlier but it has not appeared. I have just replaced clutch master/slave cylinders in disco 2 (250,000 miles +). I cannot get gears. We have bled the system several times and now followed a previous posters instructions of wedging the pedal down overnight. If...