1. A

    help with my disco td5 power loss now not starting

    Your sure you've got all the oil in the red plug going to the ecu? I took my ecu out and stood it on It's end for the afternoon after cleaning the plug. Starting wise is it cranking or nothing at all?
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    help with my disco td5 power loss now not starting

    Have you introduced yourself yet?
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    First D2 TD5 Problems already

    Any updates on this?
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    Under bonnet lighting

    Bearing in mind that I have never seen a mercury switch in hand only pictures on the net and the one place I would presume the switch could be mounted is toward the front underside of the bonnet for best elevation. Is there not a possibility that the switch can be triggered whilst driving the...
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    Under bonnet lighting

    I'm going to send you a pm about this if you don't mind, not for a few days yet I've gotta swap the dmf first on Saturday!
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    Under bonnet lighting

    I have considered the toggle switch. In two minds atm to deviate from the original idea as it just wouldn't give same job satisfaction. Never heard of the mercury switch, but I can see how that would work. I'll start looking for places to mount the push switch no doubt next to the LR one will...
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    Under bonnet lighting

    Yeah, I had one of those switches today. First problem was there was no quick and easy mounting point without making a bracket. Second was it literally fell to pieces in my hands.
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    Under bonnet lighting

    So got one of those jobs on the never ending list almost finished today. I got a couple of flexi strip LED's off eBay and stuck them up on the bonnet, here's how it worked out. Is it going to be simple enough to splice straight into the current bonnet switch?
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    Any ideas? Ski Transportation!

    I had a look an nope sorry can't help I'll be in thollon around those dates and I will be driving!
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    Any ideas? Ski Transportation!

    Sorry if I misses it, where are you going to?
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    Discovery td5 radiator

    Is this still going?
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    Chronicles of my Disco

    Great post, keep the updates coming
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    Td5 disco manual limp mode

    Cool thank you, I'll try that tomorrow as a quick job and look for any improvements. It cuts out almost instantly at the moment. I'll try the rest on Wednesday Thank you
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    Td5 disco manual limp mode

    Thank you fery, I've had a second pedal on it (used jobby off eBay) I'll chuck the third definitely working one on, on Wednesday just to completely rule out the pedal. Feed wire from the ecu am I right I thinking this feeds a numbers of items or is just the one for the pedal and another for...
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    Td5 disco manual limp mode

    Hi Dave thank you for your help. Can I get a quick run down on limp mode? We had nanocom on it the other day track one and two we're behaving as they should be up until the loss of throttle at which point we would loose track 3. I need to go and get the nanocom back on Wednesday and plug it...
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    Td5 disco manual limp mode

    Ah sorry I've got the engine light one and complete loss of the throttle pedal
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    Td5 disco manual limp mode

    Hi guys, I've got problem with the old disco going into limp mode. The car will start fine and idle fine and will almost always rev up to 2000 in neutral. I can pull off the drive and start to drive down the road but within 5 meters the car will go into limp mode. Ignition off and on again...
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    European Trip - Spares?

    Just done this trip sort of. I went down to lake Geneva for a week and then up to Hannover then Straight back across home. We took an entire tool kit. We didn't take rear air bags for suspension or any of that gubbins so found ourselves fixing the car on the side of lake Geneva at 6am watching...
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    First D2 TD5 Problems already

    Any further news on this?
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    disco 3 none start

    Sit in the car. Lock then unlock on the key a couple of times and then try and start it