1. R


    Ok now if you too dropped a dime in the cup of the transient on the corner with the Rastafarian hat we gotta get a room! Jokes... I kid... but my god, how cool.
  2. R


    Oh brother where art though! Lived off Sepulveda and La Tijera while I finished grad school. Tis a tee tiny world...
  3. R


    Ahh got it. I'm in SoCal. Good to meet ya.
  4. R


    WSR or FT = WTF :eek: But something tells me I'm an FT just for not knowing :dizzy: Colonial bretherin where art though - help a Yankee Doodle out
  5. R


    And they're always glad you came... What's this prejudice against the Yanks....:confused: I need to travel more 'cause our media says the world still loves US. Oh well :rolleyes: Cheers to the lot of you And thanks for the welcome fellas
  6. R


    Just signed up today and came upon the site while doing a deep tissue search of Foley. I'm from the States. Looking to buy a refurbished D 110 (25 years or older) for import. Very cautious for three reasons: A - Supply & demand have caused many UK dealers to take advantage of US...