1. Crowbaglandyowner

    Egr Blanking Mod

    Fitted the blanking kit and cleaned the intake manifold as per Mings instructions and she is running much better. Also cleaned and respayed rear drums, as well as having a new tailgate window fitted curtousy of this f*****g wind!! F/L/H wheel bearing next :mad: Cheers Ming
  2. Crowbaglandyowner

    Salisbury plan trip

    Ha ha figured it wouldn't be long!!! :clap2:
  3. Crowbaglandyowner

    Salisbury plan trip

    If people don't mind a noob gay lander driver tagging along, I'll drag my sorry arse along for a bit of experience?
  4. Crowbaglandyowner

    Salisbury plan trip

    Still a go for the 22nd?
  5. Crowbaglandyowner

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    Sounds like a plan, will travel up early Saturday morning, what time is it all kicking off? is it pay at the gate or money to you? Have u got a post code for the area? Looking forward to it:D Cheers, Mike.
  6. Crowbaglandyowner

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    Yeah gathered mate, cheers:cool:
  7. Crowbaglandyowner

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    Boomer, cheers mate I will wait n see what the outcome is. ;)
  8. Crowbaglandyowner

    1st Overland Wales Pay & Play. 26th/27th January 2013

    Hi Never been p+p before so yeah, I'm the noob,how much is it for the whole weekend? Is the cost per vehicle or person? If I can manage to get away that weekend, would it b ok if I came? Will be bringing one other, and I can pick anyone up on my way if needed? Won't b doing a lot of...
  9. Crowbaglandyowner


    Yeah thought about the din cubby but figured it was too much work, and I wanna try n keep as 'standard' as possible, on the inside anyway.:cool: I'm using a 3 ft tornado mini coil on a 3" mag mount, its pretty smart and I was picking up Swansea this evening. Thanks I do try and keep in...
  10. Crowbaglandyowner


    The cb gremlins ;)
  11. Crowbaglandyowner


  12. Crowbaglandyowner


    New cb fitted and wired in, clear conversation at 12miles :eek::cool:
  13. Crowbaglandyowner

    Problems with fuel consumption

    Well car came out of garage on Wednesday n all is now good, I've just been there and back to leeds from Wiltshire and it didn't batter an eyelid. Leeds to Salisbury via London, 303 miles, 5 hours, half a tank (brimmed to half), not a bad effort me thinks. Now for to service. Oh and it was...
  14. Crowbaglandyowner

    Engine oil

    Sv, Once again, some good advice which is very much appreciated. Cheers bwoy.:cool2:
  15. Crowbaglandyowner

    Engine oil

    I hear that it's pretty much 10w/30, which I believe would b ok?
  16. Crowbaglandyowner

    Engine oil

    No but they use it in pretty much every vehicle they have. Good enough enough for the GS landrover 110 in other words
  17. Crowbaglandyowner

    Engine oil

    Thoughts on using army engine oil (omd90) in the hippo?
  18. Crowbaglandyowner

    Problems with fuel consumption

    Yeah teddy mentioned that yesterday, will bare in mind for the future. Cheers sv.
  19. Crowbaglandyowner

    Problems with fuel consumption

    Yeah I just thought it was a case of tightening the handbrake n that's that, but how wrong was I! Anyway it's in the garage now so all will b sorted hopefully:o Thanks for the input lads.