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    Claiming to be tax free?

    Hi, Bit over the top reaction! Not my fault re your past situation and not the same situation as our landy either. Sorry if got at wrong person but ****ed off myself at the moment at others!
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    Claiming to be tax free?

    Thankyou, well said.
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    Claiming to be tax free?

    It is not a ringer - and it is false accusation and slander for anyone to say so when they don't know the landy. Please don't judge what you don't know.
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    Claiming to be tax free?

    You should clean up your language - it doesn't do you any favours or give you any credability at all. Just reflects badly on you.
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    Claiming to be tax free?

    Re - The last of these 3 landy's - This is a genuine landy - not a ringer and the guy who said so should be named and shamed for making a false accusation without the full facts - I know this vehicle as I'm a family member of the seller. He is greatly mistaken.
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    Claiming to be tax free?

    Hi, As a family member of the seller of one of the series 3 Land Rovers on ebay that this thread started with - the bottom one of the 3 with the galvanised chasis, I would like to say my bit. I take great offence that without the facts this person accuses this vehicle as being a ringer. It most...