1. G

    Disco 1 Timing Belt

    Thanks to all members so much for all the helpful advice! As a retired, pessimistic, engineer, I reckoned that for such a critical bit of kit, this was one occasion when only a genuine LR part would do - about twice as much as some I saw from your suggestions, but hey-ho..... Thanks again...
  2. G

    how do I?

    Just a general question about this forum - if, as I've had over the last few days, you've had lots of helpful replies to a query, what is the way to post a thank you to all that replied without having to reply to each?? I don't see a way of adding a fresh post without replying to each member...
  3. G

    Disco 1 Timing Belt

    thanks for your prompt reply!!
  4. G

    Disco 1 Timing Belt

    Thanks for that..........
  5. G

    Disco 1 Timing Belt

    Thanks for that Neilly!
  6. G

    Disco 1 Timing Belt

    Hi, I'm sure that my Disco is well overdue for a new timing belt, but I've found online spares supplier's listing sooo complicated with dozens of different makes; kits; and prices!! Obviously, with an item so vital to engine health, only bits form an OEM or similar quality will do...... My...
  7. G

    squeaky belt

    Oh yes, the application of some lubrication is just a tool to find out if it stops the squeak!
  8. G

    squeaky belt

    Well, I seem to have cured the belt squeak - bought a new tensioner, same spec. as Land Rover genuine, but much cheaper at around £39, but left the belt on as it wasn't that old, and hey presto, squeak gone! Fingers crossed it stays away. It's still very mysterious as silicon lub. applied...
  9. G

    squeaky belt

    thanks - I'll do that anyway before I start looking at the trueness of the pulleys! Bye the bye, how do I thank more than one member for their posts? Is i tenough just to reply to the thread, or do I have to name them individually?? George
  10. G

    squeaky belt

    Thanks to all for the useful comments - it was the first time I'd heard of pulley mis alignment being the cause!! Will also search previous posts. Thanks again. George from pembs
  11. G

    squeaky belt

    Anyone know what caused the auxiliary belt (mini vee) to squeak? I've dosed the back of the belt with talcum powder most of which ws blown into my face by the fan), and silicon lubricant; the noise disappears immediately, so I'm happy it's not a squeaky bearing in one of the pulleys, but then...
  12. G

    manouvering/safety mirror needed Disco 300 ti

    thanks - I found what I need on eBay, outfit called magnumvs cheers
  13. G

    manouvering/safety mirror needed Disco 300 ti

    Yes I did - seems fantastic value, but I don't think that a camera would survive long on the front of my Disco! Do a fair bit of off roading (malnly unintentional!) I end up in the rough quite often. But thanks any way. I've ordered a tractor mirror instead...... George from Pembs
  14. G

    manouvering/safety mirror needed Disco 300 ti

    thanks for all the suggestions - I'll be following them up. Camera systems sound expensive?
  15. G

    manouvering/safety mirror needed Disco 300 ti

    Hi, Just fitted a 50mm tow ball to the front of my Disco; now I need a bonnet/wing mounted mirror to see for manoeuvring up to a trailer...... Anyone got a tip for a good website for buying such an item? New or S/H Cheers, George
  16. G

    George - West Wales

    Right, the lift pump had, actually, failed. The actuating rod had come adrift from the diaphragm and was just waving about in the breeze! It was a non original 'cheapy' pump which couldn't come apart, so it's been binned and replaced with another 'cheapy' pump! Interesting though that the...
  17. G

    George - West Wales

    Right, I'll try and come along for one of the meets! Cheers, George
  18. G

    George - West Wales

    Thanks for that - I'm in St Dogmaels george
  19. G

    George - West Wales

    Hi everyone......... Have a P reg Disco 1 that needs a fair bit of tlc; am working through it, and when wanting to use the manual fuel lift pump (diesel ) to purge a new fuel filter, it appeared not to pump at all! Have inched the crank round a couple of times to make sure that the pump lever...