1. M

    Rear Passenger Doors - Unlocking

    Hi Can you e-mail me the name and address of the supplier and the fitting instructions please, that would be great. mick
  2. M

    Rear Passenger Doors - Unlocking

    How many springs are required for each lock. Where can I get the springs. Can someone write a step by step procedure "idiots guide" on how to change the springs. mick
  3. M

    Rear Passenger Doors - Unlocking

    No, when I press the button on the remote all door locking buttons come up, it's the ones for rear passenger doors, they come up as they should but when I try to open the door they seem to retract back down slightly locking the door. mick
  4. M

    Rear Passenger Doors - Unlocking

    When I use the handset to unlock my 1996 Disco, the front doors unlock OK, but on the two rear passenger doors the door locking buttons do not fully come up therefore the doors remain locked, I have to unlock the rear passenger doors from the inside, not a big problem just inconvenient having to...