1. chris3.5efi

    greenlaning essex area

    yer near there,ya turn off at the war memorial, i will pm over me number
  2. chris3.5efi

    greenlaning essex area

    if u do fancy the thetford forest byways i will be happy 2 show u were they r, also if ya get 144 os map u will find the thetford byways on that
  3. chris3.5efi

    greenlaning essex area

    there is some good green lanes near chelmsford, if u are ever up in suffolk any time we have loads of lanes this way. whole network through thetford forest
  4. chris3.5efi

    Hi all

    he! he! i checked me range rover over today bloody hell i got matchin scratches down both sides on the roof n the bonnet dont think dont think they will polish out :) but the tank is still there so thats all good next time i will use the bords
  5. chris3.5efi

    Hi all

    where r the school chair i cant c them on the photo:confused: :D
  6. chris3.5efi

    Hi all

    hi there. i guess this is the rebuild u we telling me about on saturday. looks like fun. i put some pic on the galery from saturday but didnt get meny good ones boyfriend was a bit crap with the camera:)
  7. chris3.5efi

    Hi :)

    morning razor;) barbies a bit oilly shes been helping me change axles:p welcome 2 the site
  8. chris3.5efi

    Hi :)

    razor u sound worse than my 5 year old, i sugest u get back in ya pram, , u may like ya little toy cars but, my little girls got some barbie dolls ya can have. dont play with the big boys if ya doont like what they say. by the way would ya like ya dummy back i found it u spat it out on page 1:)
  9. chris3.5efi

    Anywhere to play in suffolk?

    hi there there are loads of byways in suffolk i live near newmarket so i go 2 thetford forest hole network out that way i will pm over me number n we can meet up n i will show u were they r also there is wild tracks just off a11 at redlodge (about 25 quid for a day round there)open everyday...
  10. chris3.5efi

    hi everyone

    that site is realy useful thanx :) :D
  11. chris3.5efi

    hi everyone

    hi ya mate got ya pm, gonna have 2 bring the boyfriend along wiv me, introduced him 2 laning last weekend think he n he loved it :p :D are there meny lpg filling stations down your way?
  12. chris3.5efi


    hope ya feel better after ya funny turn.;) :p :D nite
  13. chris3.5efi


    bloody ell is that the time already i fink i need me bed 2 catch ya soon:D ;)
  14. chris3.5efi


    :rolleyes: did give it a a good pumpin. iv a job is worf doin it worf doin well:p :D
  15. chris3.5efi


    the only pole i deal wiv is the 1 on the trolly jack when i changed me front axle;) :D
  16. chris3.5efi


    its a bit of a strugle 2 do anythin wiv ya head on a pole:rolleyes: :D
  17. chris3.5efi


    wiliam wallis eat ya herat out:D :p
  18. chris3.5efi


    horses what ever takes fancy:eek: :D
  19. chris3.5efi


    strong hold should stop that:D
  20. chris3.5efi


    well down newmarket we have 2 choices of men puffs or short people :eek: