1. C

    Nanocom needed.

    Does anyone in the Rotherham/Sheffield have a nanocom please help me to sort out the stupid immobiliser on my 2013 110. The wife changed the battery in the fob at the local shop. (Obviously we didn't know about the special ritual needed lol) And now the thing won't start. After reading up. It...
  2. C

    Green laning.

    Nope she may not be blind. But she's a #### for raising a retard like you.
  3. C

    Green laning.

    I'll #### thee mam if she's up for it. :)
  4. C

    Green laning.

  5. C

    Green laning.

    I'm a knob?? It wasn't me taking the **** out of the dead cockle pickers. You seem to have your priorities the wrong way knob. Have found me sen some lanes. So all good. Hound kirk moor near fox house. Stanage edge near redmires Lake. Chaplegate near edale. Monsal head near monsal hotel...
  6. C

    Green laning.

    Ripping the **** out of the unfortunate cockle pickers. Don't think I'd wanna class people like that as a friend. Very grown up behaviour 2 words. KEYBOARD WARRIORS :)
  7. C

    Green laning.

    Hey, you little puppets wind your necks in. If you don't have any thing constructive to say. Don't say any thing at all. Am sure mummy will be shouting you soon for school. Don't forget teacher said you can bring board games to school Today. Ps Gibb8686 everytime your lass sits down. She...
  8. C

    Green laning.

    Hey, whatever Looks like I came to the wrong place. I wasnt expecting you all to be pricks, but your choice. I suppose every walk of life has them. Why would the 4x4 world be any different.
  9. C

    Green laning.

    Your Speciality isn't it??
  10. C

    Green laning.

    Hey quick guys. I've just read a post about which are the best Tyres for my discovery. If you all hurry on over you can rip **** out of him. And gang up and do a bit of good honest bullying.
  11. C

    Green laning.

    Hey, if your gonna try and bully some 1. And talk to them like something you'd stood in (which I'm guessing you'd actually never really do) I'd like for you to know who I was so you could come over and try bully me in person. Your like children. I'll find me lanes with or with out you. And...
  12. C

    Green laning.

    If you cooked yourself some dinner?? WTF. I'm not asking for your dinner or indeed anything that BELONGS to you I was asking if people knew of a few lanes. You know these same lanes that everybody who pays car tax is entitled to drive. Nuttier than a squirrels turd I'm afraid you are. And if...
  13. C

    Green laning.

    Ps. When I've made loads of replys on here and I'm of grand status Can I too be a cock?? Please please O I do want to be a cock.
  14. C

    Green laning.

    Why not let other folk know where they are?? (It's not a government secret) Is that not just been as stubborn as the bobble hats?? if more people used them, We'd have the advantage and power of numbers to keep lanes open. (just like the walkers, cyclist and horse riders are doing to us now...
  15. C

    Green laning.

    If you class your old dear as a sheep, then I'm guilty.
  16. C

    Green laning.

    To all you haters. Keep hating To all those that gave me good advice. Thank you very much. I have now armed my self with a few maps and a local guide :) and my new goal now is to find said lanes and make them public knowledge. You know Help my fellow man and all that. Ps Me and ferrets...
  17. C

    Green laning.

    Ps. No wonder every one is driving on green lanes that they shouldn't be. Especially when no one will tell them were the legal ones are. You know, investing in the future of green laning Not really Helping the cause, to keep the lanes open really is it lads :)
  18. C

    Green laning.

    Am loving the holier than thou attitude. I asked for advice (to which some guys really helped out) That is what this sites for, yes/no???????? Only to have some random fool put his two pence worth in. So yes in my opinion he is a cock. As for all the vultures sat on the fence, grow...
  19. C

    Green laning.

    Big ginger beard. You my friend, are a cock. How do you ever get on in life??? What about helping your fellow man and all that?? We do have the same interests after all I bet your the kind of guy who'd drive past a stuck motorist laughing. Well let's hope you never need advice or experience...
  20. C

    Green laning.

    First of all thanks for the info lads. And I can assure I won't be doing 60 over any green lanes :) (I don't think she'd hold together lol) I'm not a massive fan of mud plugging as I've only had dire concequences from doing so. I just like a steady ramble, take in the scenery. And...