1. W

    hi guys right i have read through a lot of posts about overheating and have done this to...

    hi guys right i have read through a lot of posts about overheating and have done this to diagnose problem.... thermostat replace and test with old one both work new viscous coupling new radiator bled system properly checked the water pump (taken off feed for heater and...
  2. W

    Oil overfill and blue smoke at statup

    how do you tell if the diesle is getting into the oil, my engine has been overheating woundered if this was part of the problem as well
  3. W

    200tdi - getting hot

    cheers peeps these are the better threads that im reading at the mo got the heat problem myself and just starting to diagnose whats up, so replaced the thermostat no change then im on to the temp gague then flushing i think is the next would it be adviseable to use a pressure washer to flush or...