1. Rachel S

    RIP J D Portrey (Johnnew)

    I've just popped in to say how sad I am at this news. RIP John.
  2. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    It worked!! There was music from The Good The Bad and the Ugly in my head as hubby came the corner with a lump of wood. A couple of choice words as he whacked it hard and boom! I should have known that a good whack would sort it. Thanks :D
  3. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    I'm putting kettle on and then going to try the earth thing.
  4. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    It's brand new James. Could gunk have got into it somehow?
  5. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    Ok. Better half had a ball ache of a time trying to get the old starter motor out ( rounding nuts and us not having a ramp) took him about four days and lots of swearing and ibroprophen for his elbows. Lol. He said he'll give that a go tomorrow if shouting at it , which he is doing now, doesn't...
  6. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    Yeah we've tried to jump it but because of location we can't bump it. So frustrating because she has never ever failed to fire up. It has been I'll admit our own fault for not turning her over every now and then. Looking at some other threads, some have mentioned an earthing problem?
  7. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    Forgot to say we have fitted a new battery and just tried to jump it. Nothing :(
  8. Rachel S

    Started then wont

    Hi Chappies and Chappesses. Some might remember that daughter has a series 111, fabulous little Dotty. Dotty has been for unseen reasons sorned on our drive for quite a few months and now it's time to send her to someone whose going to be able to love her and enable daughter to build her...
  9. Rachel S

    Vibration on overrun

    Thanks BB Phew, didn't die. Got home but it was getting worse the closer to home we got. Been a bit nervous and jittery when landys do these things since the turbo went on the last one. Scary moment that was! I'll throw much better half under her ( whilst she's not moving) and get him to look
  10. Rachel S

    Vibration on overrun

    Hey ups folks. I'm out and about with hardly any signal so can't put in proper section at mo. Forgives me :) Out in Bessie TD5. When she's under load there's no vibration, but as soon as I take it off excelerator or out of gear she's vibrating. Could it be the propshaft? Am I going to die?
  11. Rachel S

    Unwatch Thread

    i can't do it! It won't let me from smart phones. I was silly and forgot to untick the email notification and I can't make it stop. Make it stop! Ahhh! :)
  12. Rachel S

    Unwatch Thread

    i can't do it! It won't let me from smart phones. I was silly and forgot to untick the email notification and I can't make it stop. Make it stop! Ahhh! :)
  13. Rachel S

    Hello from South Yorkshire

    Been sent here. Oh dear you have a gaylander But yay! You're from Barnsley! Ey up cock, be reyt, thel sort ther sens art wi ther squabbling. A few from Tarn on here. ( I know, you're a southerner really, but you can't have everything in life ) check out the site and the banter ( which actually...
  14. Rachel S

    Date set for LZ12.....2016

    At one point on Saturday night, I actually thought I was going to die. I think the freezing fog and achohol had something to do with it.
  15. Rachel S

    Date set for LZ12.....2016

    Just seen this! Ace! Better chance of warmer nights. :D What's the surprise though :cool: I ain't tent swapping, that's really wierd...oo oo is there donkey rides? Free beer? Live performance by Roy?
  16. Rachel S

    Where is everybody?

    In Holmfirth the sun is still shiny and warm :)
  17. Rachel S

    It'll be reyt.

    It'll be reyt.
  18. Rachel S

    Tapatalk no worky

    I know, I sulked for a while. I don't mind change, I just don't like to be there when it happens. ( then I sulk again as I feel people have been sneaky and done things behind my back) it's a complicated life I lead.
  19. Rachel S

    Tapatalk no worky

    Apparently it's not interactive with taptalk anymore, as it's fully reactive so you can use it from your browser on your phone. Or summet like that :D I used taptalk because was so easy to upload videos and photos from my phone.
  20. Rachel S

    Holmfirth Discovery lights stolen.

    Same as everywhere else. We have ours taken a few years back, but we really upped our game on security and fingers crossed nothing since. I don't think there is actually a complete theft free place is there? Where abouts in the Firth you looking?