1. B

    Building the dream off-roading course??

    You have a couple of acers of spare land and want to make the ultimate off-road course...what obstacles would you stick in there for your landy to overcome???
  2. B

    Lake District

    Best place in the lakes. Great base for walking too and the best part.....wall to wall pubs! try the dog and gun if you like real ales.
  3. B

    Not everyone likes land rovers

    Like running a marathon and calling it a day after 20 miles! Haha
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    New to Landyzone and need buying advice!

    I sold my much loved 90 last year for a house deposit but after taking my girlfriend on a land rover experience day she's hooked and believe it or not given me permission to get another landy! This time around I want to do some overlanding but I'm not sure if a 110 would be more suitable...