1. J

    What disco?

    Many thanks. What kind of year would they be then? Would the lack of electronic pump etc outweight the loss of not having a TD5? I have an 89 defender at the minute so I am more than skilled now at cutting out rotten chassis and rewleding plates! :)
  2. J

    What disco?

    Looking at getting a discovery as a part time second vehicle. Looking at something oldish for around the £2k-£2.5k mark, with as few electronics as possible. What model would I be looking for and what are the good/bad points to watch out for? Many thanks! Jon
  3. J

    How to post in the "Wanted" section

    Haha. Thats fair enough! Many thanks. 48 now!
  4. J

    How to post in the "Wanted" section

    Hello all. I am wanting to put a wanted advert up but it is saying i dont have the neccessary access rights, even though i have registered. Do i need to donate to be able to do this? Dont get me wrong, i probably will be donating in the near future, but with a week till pay day now is not the...