1. ecobebop

    Transfer box oil level / fill plug

    Just a bit of feedback following everyones' advice; I popped a bit of oil in through the top plate as Dominic said (to make sure there was some in there!), went for a bit of a spin, then following Trax's tip of an old socket managed to get the old plug out. Nice new one (part no 3292) now in...
  2. ecobebop

    Transfer box oil level / fill plug

    Thanks for all the advice; I'll follow Trax's tip to get the old one out, once I've got a nice new shiny one to go in!
  3. ecobebop

    Transfer box oil level / fill plug

    Afternoon all, I spent a good deal of yesterday underneath my Series II changing diff and gearbox oils – first time I’ve done it and some of the plugs were not keen on being moved, but for the most part all went ok. The one though that was a real challenge was the transfer box filler plug – it...
  4. ecobebop

    When is a Zenith Carb a Zenith Carb?

    Daft question to many of you I'm sure, but I have a Zenith 361V Carb on my series 2a. Is a Zenith 361V but described as for a Ford Capri "to replace the troublesome Ford VV unit" going to be the same thing? Ie if they have the same unit number, are they the same thing, or will there be subtle...
  5. ecobebop

    Series 2 petrol - fuel problem or something else?

    OK, well following everyone's advice, I found fuel wasn't coming from the jet into the carb when opening the throttle, but it too a bit of time tracking down why - was hoping it was just dirt, but found that the little piston in the carb that forces the fuel through was sticking on it's return...
  6. ecobebop

    Series 2 petrol - fuel problem or something else?

    Ha ha! Like it. I'll keep it in mind when embarking on next series of smalll jobs... :)
  7. ecobebop

    Series 2 petrol - fuel problem or something else?

    Thanks for all the advice. Will try running through all of this at the weekend. You've both left me feeling positive that it might be something within my capabilities of sorting. Will let you know how I get on.
  8. ecobebop

    Series 2 petrol - fuel problem or something else?

    Thanks DM, will have a play around at the weekend. Is this the sort of thing that can suddenly go out of kilter (still new to all of this so sorry for noob vagueness!) or should I have noticed something going off? Was all happy days until suddenly failing on me on Tuesday.
  9. ecobebop

    Series 2 petrol - fuel problem or something else?

    So, I didn’t expect to be looking for help and advice quite so soon; I guess this is all part of the joy of Land Rover ownership… My Series 2a, 2.25 petrol has been running very sweetly, esp after renewing all ignition components and the fuel pump a few weeks ago. But on Tuesday night, it...
  10. ecobebop

    Now thats different

    I agree - Always nice to see an unusual and well done vehicle, even if I wouldn't want to own it myself.
  11. ecobebop


    I haven't had a land line for a few years now. Never in during the day, rarely in at weekends, found I was paying for something that never got used. I know plenty of others doing the same. With a 3G dongle for the laptop, what do I need a landline for? Not sure this makes me someone to be wary of.
  12. ecobebop

    I'm going to make a camper from a 110 Defender!

    Thats a whole lot of Land Rover to pull around on a 2.25 petrol engine!
  13. ecobebop


    Sounds like we'll be coming to you for advice then!
  14. ecobebop


    Welcome. Brings back some memories... my second car was an 88" S3, when I was 19. (The first was a Morris Marina!) I loved it so much that 20-something years later, now the kids are growing up, I ventured back into Landy ownership with our S2a. You'll have lots of fun and will sure get to know...
  15. ecobebop

    Hello from kent

    Hi there and welcome. I'm still new here too but good to see a fellow Kent person.
  16. ecobebop

    Advice please - Kent / Dartford area

    Thanks for the advice guys, both are quite near me (I'm in Stone on the east side of Dartford) and it's good to know there's a couple of strong recommendations I can rely on. Appreciated. And thanks for the welcome; good to know I'm not drifting alone in a sea of modded hot hatches (some of...
  17. ecobebop

    Advice please - Kent / Dartford area

    MOT for my series 2 comes up in a couple of months. I have recently moved to Dartford from Suffolk and don't know the area, can anyone recommend an MOT tester in the area who'll understand the vehicle they're testing? Seems to be a lot of Japanese and Vauxhall Corsa modders on the Dartford...
  18. ecobebop

    61plate defender 90 stolen

    Would be good to have an update from the OP on this, been 2 weeks since he last posted. Any news on the vehicle? Will the police look into the dealer? - 3 cars going like this is v suspcious.
  19. ecobebop

    Landy Zone Map

    Cool stuff. I am now on the map. Close to J1 & 2 of M25 so you're welcome if you need a break from motorway tediousness.
  20. ecobebop

    New to the Forum - Series 2 Owner from Kent

    Hi there everyone. I am new to the forum, just signed up as I have recently got myself a Series 2 SWB – pics below. This is my third Land Rover – about 20 years ago I had a couple of Series 3’s but new family meant a sensible family car for a bit (although for a few years in between I did...