1. S

    buy it or build it?

    mines built from steel with ally face plates (easyer to drill holes for gauges)
  2. S

    buy it or build it?

    im not tight or anything but does anyone else make stuff that takes hours,days,even weeks to make rather than sit in a comfy warm sofa and and order it on inter web while watching eastbenders! so far iv built a dash and top pod for me 90,gass struts on bonnet and rear door,cubby box,tank...
  3. S

    What are you up to this weekend with your Landy???

    im putting a gas strut on me 90, made the hangers for it last weekend:)
  4. S

    90 heaters!

    how much do u want for it?
  5. S

    Newbie in South West says Hello

    :welcome: fellow south westener
  6. S

    why would someone do this???

    wot a crock of sh@t!! who cares if some1 copys your truck,at least 1 other person thinks its cool and wants 1 like it!!:D
  7. S

    90 heaters!

    wots hi force?
  8. S

    90 heaters!

    cheers will ave a look on e bay, would try CWS as its only 2 minutes away but would have 2 sell landy 2 pay 4 it!:D
  9. S

    Hello new member but not to off roading

    should of kept that 2 yourself!!! lol, :welcome:
  10. S

    90 heaters!

    y didnt i think of that! maybe i should put a log burner in the back while im at it! :rolleyes:
  11. S

    4x4 BANGERS!

    :clap2:nothing better 2 do than put people down? i have,ganna pick dog **** up b4 i cut the grass! sad!!
  12. S

    Saw this today

    sure it was in a landy mag a few years back
  13. S

    90 heaters!

    as winter is just around the corner, has anybody got any tips for improving my 90s heater? iv got a wing top scoop and heaters in good nick. :confused:
  14. S

    4x4 BANGERS!

    Anyone seen the 4x4 bangers on u tube?
  15. S

    funny story

    im a newbie at this, give me a break! lol :D
  16. S

    The moon and back

    whos got most miles on their landy? i got 210139 on a 1985 90
  17. S

    kenlowe fans

    ok the pennys dropped! lol so im either blowing air from outside or sucking air from inside:D
  18. S

    kenlowe fans

    1 got 2 at about 12ins so that should be ok just thought it would be better 2 push cold air from outside than pull hot air from engine bay?
  19. S

    kenlowe fans

    im a little confused! lol if i wire them so air is pulled though the fan it shouldnt matter if their 1 side or the other side of rad? wot i was asking is wots best for cooling?:confused:
  20. S

    kenlowe fans

    just bin out and tried 1, wire it 1 way and blows air the fan side and swap wires around and blows air the motor side of the fan! :confused: