1. S

    To Weld or Not to Weld, that is the (dumb iron) question !!

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I think I will have a crack at repairing them both first, as it's more fun and I'd feel like I had achieved something, I prefer the "I built this landy" feeling, rather than "its made of ****part bits" .... And if that fails I'll replace them !!!!:D NiteMare...
  2. S

    To Weld or Not to Weld, that is the (dumb iron) question !!

    Hi Guys, I've been around this forum for a long time, reading, absorbing information and making lots of notes ... However I am now at the stage where I need some advice on my restoration... I have a 1972 Series 3 SWB which I bought earlier this year, progress has been slow but enjoyable, for me...